


Tom (Roy)
I asked the Lord to take away
the sorrow from my life
I asked for peace
assurance from above
So many times I'd tried to fill
the emptiness inside
Searching for
but never finding love
Then one day I prayed "Dear God
Your will Not mine be done"
A simple prayer
and yet it was the key
And now my heart is filled with love
and peace from up above
All because
the Savior rescued me
He answered all my prayers
He give me peace within
He lifted up my spirit
He made me free from sin
A simple prayer
and yet it was the key
All because
the Savior rescued me
As the time goes by
we tend to take for granted
all the blessings
that God has put into our lives
Our health, our loved ones
our children and our wives
It doesn't mean our love for them
has diminished from what it was
and it doesn't mean that they
mean less to us than they did
It doesn't mean the way
that we used to feel has changed
For they're still our spouses and our kids
But our perception my be flawed
for we've grown used to what we have
We've learned to live
with blessings as the norm
So darling let me say that
you've changed my state of mind
and brought me to a slightly higher plain
And if I had to go back
to my life the way it was before
I'd do everything the exact same way again.
Holding your hand -
Seeing you smile -
Saying "You're wonderful - I Like your style."
Knowing that soon -
I'll see you again -
Then we'll be together - Until the end.
Closing my eyes -
Seeing your face -
Remembering the feel - of my arms 'round your waist.
Looking for words -
That say how I long -
To hold you - caress you - serenade you in song.
When you're real close by -
Or very far away -
I'll always call you my Baby -- Baby.
Do you know how much I miss you?
Do you know how much I care?
Do you know how I long to hold you,
to let you know that I am there?
Do you realise the agony
I feel every night?
I need to have you in my arms
and hold your body tight.
I love you and I miss you
like I could never show.
And next time that we meet again -
I'll never let you go.
I'd love to sit
and talk to you
and tell you how I feel
I'd love to have
your body next to mine
I'd love to hold you
in my arms
and never let you go
And let you know
that I will love you
for all time
Girl don't you see
that you are special to me
I'd give everything
if I could tell you just one time
Girl don't you see
that you're my everything
And I'll keep loving you forever
Throughout the end of time
I love you
and if only I could take away
all the uncertainties from your life -
and if only I could take away
all the unfairness from your life -
If only I could,
I would, oh, I would.
But the world is an unfair place,
and life is full of uncertainties.
And though I can never promise to you
that our life will always be gay with laughter -
And though I can never promise to you
that no problems will ever come our way -
Know that if I could,
I would, oh, I would.
If I could make
all the problems disappear -
If I could make
all the heartaches a myth -
If I could shake up the depths of reality,
and make all things good and clean -
For you, if I could,
I would, oh, I would !
Unrivaled love,
Born of a romance that is devine,
Carried on a heart soft and true,
Fed by everpresent memories,
Revived in arms of warmth,
Such is our love.
There's a fire
deep within this heart of mine
burning with the power of time
it's down inside my soul
There's a river
stronger than the strongest tree
it's built up such a strength in me
and I've just got to let you know
You are my strength
You are my power
In your love I've found a blooming flower
It's taller than the tallest tower
It's sweeter than the rose
You are my joy
You are my happiness
I've found peace within your sweet caress
You've shown me such a gentleness
I've just got to let you know
Your love is sweeter than the rose
If there were but words for me to pen,
I would sit and write upon a page.
The length and depth of my love for you.
I would tell of your kindness, of you gentleness.
Upon that page would be the bareness of my soul -
A story for all to read and tell.
If there were but notes for me to play,
I would trill the strength of my heart in a song.
Each verse would be a grand symphony of my love.
The chorus would tell your beauty and your grace.
Within this song would be the depth of my sincerity -
A tune for all to hear and sing.
Oh - for a word! for a note!
And who could stop the tides of love?
When it's cold outside,
and raining -
I think of you,
and suddenly -
The sun is shining,
bright and warm against my skin.
When the winter wind blows,
in the forest wild -
I think of you,
and suddenly,
I'm wrapped in a blanket of down,
calm and safe from the gale.
When the hot flames rage,
and sear about me -
I think of you,
and suddenly -
I'm protected by an impass,
cooled and safe from heat and burn.
Whenever I need -
You are there -
You're always there -
To hold me,
and keep me,
and love me -
to care.
I think I'll sit and write to you
I'll write a poem to tell you my heart
I'll speak of all the ways
you've changed my life since we met
I'll talk about how things were yesterday
and how they're different from the start
You've caused me to stop and look at myself
to see me for who I really am
I know now the childishness
of the ways I used to act
Now I can see the differences
between the boy I was and this present man
Of all the things you did yesterday
Your greatest accomplishment is this
You changed me
And though it may seem small to you
Believe me when I say
Nothing greater could you have done
than cause me to set aside the pettiness
of the boy I was.