Postal Links

No crowds. No lines. And this post office is open 7
days a week, 24 hours a day. If you need stamp information, want to find
out about mailing options, or look up ZIP Codes, you're in the right place.

Rural Carrier Information Gateway (Includes signup
for Rural Carrier Mailing List)

National Rural Letter Carriers Association
Is the word "disgruntled" a registered trademark
of the U.S. Postal Service? Can a person that is not a Postal Employee
be disgruntled? And why is it that you never hear of happy employees being
"Gruntled"? Who's worse? Your boss or the customers? What's the
stupidest thing a customer ever said or did? Read what actual people have
to say on the subject. Have you ever had a bad experience with the DMV?
Can you say Duh? Tell us!

Some interesting facts about the US Postal Service,
the World's Finest.
A link at the request of my son, a city carrier.
If you have comments or suggestions, email me at
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