Important Duck Observations by other people, friends, fellow duck owners, ducklovers, duckphobics, etc.:
*note to all ducks - all responses are unaltered. No relevancy or sanity checks have been made, so please forgive me if you are offended :).
Pixiechaun: Do not pluck a duck's feathers. They tend to be quite violent.
Ducks lay mushrooms, not eggs, and out of the mushrooms come smurfs.
Do not let your dog eat your duck. It is not a pretty sight.
Rabbits make better pets.
Teddybears should be named Doron Kalinko by right.
Ducks make good fashion models. They don't even have to be tall.
Ducks are not silly, geese are.
Do not ever step on a duck.
Carlo: Ducks can swim.
Ducks can fly.
Ducks can run faster than me.
Ducks go quack.
Smaz: Ducks are good with orange sauce.
Ducks are good with any sauce.
Clariza: Ducks stink
Mandy: I love duts
Duts are toot
Jody: Ducks suck! Hahahahha...
Duckdown: Ducks are great, noble beings sent to us by the geat duck in the sky for our salvation.
Teeth: Ducks? Why would I be afraid of AAAAAHHH! NOOO! GET IT AWAY FROM ME!
If you would like to share your own observations on ducks, email them to me at with the subject "duck observations".
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