- That's My Son!
- Hope For Tomorrow
- The Prettiest Flower
- The Cross Is Empty
That's My Son!
When each was born I thought with pride,
"That's my son."
As I watched each one learn to walk and talk
I thought with pride, "That's my son."
On the glorious days when each was baptized,
I thought with pride, "That's my son."
I hope someday to see each one graduate from school-
I know, with pride, I then will say,
"That's my son."
As each grows and learns of God, I with pride
and thanksgiving say, "that's my son."
When one followed his dog into a creek
and slipped forever from my earthly sight,
I, with a heart truly broken, cried,
"No, God! That's my son."
It was then that I thought of Jesus,
dying on the cross, and thought I heard God whisper
and point to the cross,
"I know, I understand. You see, that's my Son!"
Hope For
We walk this Earth from day to day,
Never knowing what may come our way.
Sometimes it's good; sometimes bad.
Sometimes it makes us happy;
Sometimes sad.
I rest assured that each step of the way.
No matter what price this life makes me pay,
God, Himself, will truly support me.
By my side, I know He ever will be!
He'll be there to wipe away tears.
I do not understand everything in His plan,
But I do want to keep holding His hand.
Strength for today; hope for tomorrow,
I'm looking forward to that land without sorrow!
The Prettiest Flower
(Written by my mother, Celia P. Vest)
A rough and tumble little boy,
Played in teh garden one day,
Paused to pick the prettiest flower,
Before going along his way.
He gave it to his mother,
And said, "this is just for you."
"It's prettier than the rest of them,
I knew you would want it too."
Although it was her prize lilac,
She was saving for the show,
And hoped to win a plaque.
His mother turned her head,
As the tears ran down her cheek;
And placed the lilac in the vase,
For the boy who looked so meek.
Then one day, the boy went to sleep,
Never to wake again.
The mother was sad, and began to complain,
Wondering if her faith was all in vain.
"Why, O Lord, should it happen to me?"
"He was so cute and sweet,
And I loved him you see."
Then the answer came, plain as the day.
God needed the prettiest flower
To complete His heavenly bouquet.
The Cross Is Empty
What a grand and glorious thought
That by His blood my life He bought!
Christ willingly hung on the cross for me
That by His dying, I should be made free.
Thank God I have been given life-
Not a life without worry or strife-
But a life forgiven by God!
My sins have been forgiven by His crimson flow
And I will seek to live for Him
On this Earth below.
The cross is empty now
His body was taken down.
They placed Him in a borrowed grave
After He died my soul to save.
Three days later the truth rang out-
Why even death and a grave
Couldn't hold back the shout
He's alive! He's alive!
In the grave He doesn't reside!
Short Stories
Bible commentary
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