The Woo Family Home Page

Hello. Welcome to our home page. This page is constantly under construction so come back and visit often. We hope that you will learn a little bit about our family in the next few pages.

Our Background

We are currently a family of six. It is stable for now but who knows what the future may hold.

Van (that's me writing this) is a physician, and his specialty is Radiation Oncology. He has born in Augusta, GA. He and his family moved to Southern California in 1971. He went to Whittier High School, got his B.S. in chemistry and biology from the University of California, Irvine , his M.S. in chemistry from California State University, Long Beach , and his M.D. from Saint Louis University . He and Karen met when Van was in Medical School and Karen was attending Nursing School. The usual thing happened when a nurse and a doctor get together, we got into big arguments but what happen ususally when a doctor and a nurse argue is what happened to us...Karen won. We got married January 27, 1990. Van finished medical school in May 1991. He did his internship back home at University of California, Irvine Medical Center. Then started his residency in radiation oncology at the University of Kentucky . He completed his residency at Wayne State University . His first and current real job is here in Tulsa, OK. He mainly works at two hospitals Hillcrest Medical Center and Columbia Tulsa Regional Medical Center dividing his time equally at both locations. Van recently be came Board Certified in Radiation Therapy by the American Board of Radiology.


Karen is a Registered Nurse but currently her full time job is taking care of the children (and her husband when she has time). She was born in Oklahoma City, OK and raised in Sulphur, OK. She is the fourth child in a family of eight, and is the oldest of twins (not identical). Her family eventually moved to Chickasha, OK. She went to Chickasha High School, got her B.S. in biology from Oklahoma Baptist University and subsequently her B.S.N. from Saint Louis University. She worked for about six months at Hillcrest Medical Center before we got married (little did I know that I would be working there five years later). After we were married, she worked in St. Louis until I graduated medical school. Then she got a job at Long Beach Memorial Hospital for the one year we were in California.


Matthew Robert Woo was born on August 1, 1992 in Lexington, Kentucky. Matthew has Down Syndrome which is the leading cause of mental retardation in the United States. We are fortunate that he does not have any heart problems that many people with Down Syndrome have. He did have a duodenal stenosis (a narrowing of the small bowel) which required surgery when he was a week old. Since then he has done great. Currently, he plays and fights with his brother as any five year old would. He really does talk alot but he has problems anuciating his words. He loves to be outside and he seems to be impervious to the cold. We really wish he didn't have Down Syndrome but those are the card we were dealt and we love him very much. Matthew started kindergarden this year. He seems to like it. We guess it's not too different from preschool.


Christian Davis Woo was born on February 2, 1994 in Detroit, Michigan. He is a very smart child sometimes too smart for his own good. He loves Thomas the Tank Engine. He also likes to cut. Give him a pair of sciccors and he can cut paper all day. He loves to pretend. He can pretend to ba anything, a cowboy, an astronaunt and Madeline (from the book).


Rebekah Grace Woo was born on July 3, 1996 in Tulsa, OK. She was the biggest of our babies at 7 lbs 13 oz. She really loves here brothers, and every time she sees them she has a big smile on her face. Rebecah took her first steps a few days before her birthday. She is now 2 years old and she is running all over the place. She loves to play with Christians trains much to Christians chagrin. She talks alot and she loves to boss her brothers around.

Nicholas Edward Woo was born on May 31, 1998 in Tulsa, OK. He is now the reigning weight champion at 8lbs 6ozs. He was 20 inches long. The first couple of nights have been trying for everybody, but he seems to be settling down. See the most recent pictures in the photoalbum. He now weighs over 15 lbs and he breaking our arms. He is sleeping though the night and he is much better now.


Our Interests

Both Karen and I like antiques but so fare we only have a few pieces.

Karen likes to sew. She is currently working on some vests for the boys in her sister's up coming wedding. She also likes to shop especially for the kids. He favorite places to shop for them is Gap Kids and Gymboree. She also likes shopping for them at thrift stores (she buys mostly old toys there but sometimes she finds some clothes).

Van likes to woodwork but ever since kids there seems like there is no time for it. The last project he did has a train table top he made for the boys for Christmas (Shh...the boys think it's from Santa). He also like to work on his 1967 Corvette which is a continued work in progress project. Some sad new about the corvette, I was in a big accident in it on May 8, 1998. I swerved to avoid a branch on the freeway and it fishtaled and I ended hitting a trailer to my right and then the retaining wall on the left. So we'll see what the insurance company says about fixing it or totalling it.

Click here to see the the latest on the Vette.

Van may have another project, but it have to be put on the back burner for now.

Click here to see the next project.

We just bought some land. Its is 10 acres and is located in Jenks, Oklahoma (just south of Tulsa). We won't close on it until December or maybe even later. Eventually we'd like to bulldoze the orginal house and build a new house. We don't plan to live in the house that is current there at all because it is too dirty and dingy. We'll keep you updated as we build our house (when ever we get the money, that is).

Click here to see the land.

Our Family Photo Album

These pictures will be updated hopefully at a fairly regular interval. Check often to see if there are new pictures.

on to the photo album

Click here to see a Real Video Home Movie

click here to see the archived pictures

Links to Our Favorite Sites

Up Side guest book (quick referance to other family with Down Syndrome Children)

Down Syndrome Web Page

Public Broadcast System

National Public Radio

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This page last updated on October 15, 1998.