Matt and Danny at their first baseball game from the summer of 1997. The Reds played the Dodgers at Riverfront Stadium in Cincinnati. Matt's on the left and Danny's on my lap.
We've also included pictures of our boys Matt & Danny. They are the greatest joys in our lives. They are also the biggest pains in the neck in our lives. I would guess that other parents can understand what I mean! We've included more info and pictures about the boys Matt and Danny's Page and other kids on Our Page 2.
I've included some links below to some things that relate to my hobbies & interests, or stuff I just think is neat.
I don't mean to brag but it's not everyday a guy gets to
see both of his sons on the cover of TIME magazine.
This is from the 1990 Black Sheep reunion. That's me in the back row third from the left. Deb is right in front of me hiding behind Hickey (the tall guy).
Click on the picture to see Matt's preschool certificate!
Click on the picture to see Danny's preschool certificate!
Rotisserie League Info Page
Our Page 2
Matt and Danny's Page
Links to other sites on the Web (Any odd/weird links belong to Deb)
The CHICAGO (rock group) Home Page a GREAT On-line bookstore!
CNN News link
Jeff Schwab's Page (Deb's brother)
Total Baseball
Anne McCaffrey
Quilting Page
Better Investing
Darke County, Ohio
� 1996
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