Quilts by Cynthia

"Seams Sew Easy" is the name of my 'Hobby'. Quilts have been my passion for over 25 years. I have designed many patterns and taught quilting classes to many special people. Most of my quilts have been given to family and friends, but I have also sold some of my quilts. I have quilts that reside in Arizona, Montana, Connecticut, Tennessee, New York, Virginia, Flordia, California, Oklahoma, Colorado, Texas, Georgia, Arkansas, North Carolina, Australia, and even Paris France! I welcome all e-mail with inquires and will answer all of them if possible.


On these pages I have pictures of quilts I have made over the years. Many more will follow as soon as I can find the time to get the rest scanned.


So, grab a cup of coffee, get a comfy chair, notepad, and pencil and enjoy your stay! Please remember to sign my guestbook, too.




Creations by

Quilt Gallery

Misc. Quilts

Star Quilts

Misc. Quilts

Misc. Quilts

Sheltie Quilts

More Sheltie Quilts

Misc. Quilts

Cow Quilts

Cross-stitched Top Quilts

Quilts Available For Adoption

My Favorite Links

Lost Quilt

This is a great place to visit for valuable information on lost quilts and how to properly care for your quilts.

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