Date Update(s) performed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12/01/01 Updated Rowley Family link to indicate Tedd Rowley's passing, etc. 07/09/00 Added Fairmont Sentinel to Favorite Links 02/08/00 Archived 1999 guestbook and created new 2000 guestbook. 01/23/00 Added L.B. Rowely update. (See ROWLEY info.) 11/06/99 Updated Kingsley Locke's homepage address. 10/29/99 Archived Jan-Jun 1999 guestbook entries and linked to them. 05/09/99 Added link to LDS site; removed Kemp & Genmatch links. 04/20/99 Added link to Rocky Mt. News online. 04/18/99 Corrected photo caption re Rudolph (NOT Ernest) Stagemeyer funeral. Uploaded pictures of ROWLEY headstones and created links. 04/11/99 Corrected surname spellings (Dalesky vs Daleske); added text and link under Rowley family; reformatted McQUEEN genealogy. 02/24/99 Archived Jul-Dec 1998 Guestbook entries. 01/04/99 Added rest of Multnomah Co. Library ROWLEY research notes. 12/11/98 Added Multnomah County Library ROWLEY research notes. 12/10/98 Added Gen. Forum of Oregon URL. 12/03/98 Corrected Rockcastle KYGenWeb URL. 09/18/98 Added note regarding move to new home. 05/09/98 Added link to Land Record Descriptions site. Added my DUSTIN, McQUEEN, ROUSE, and ROWLEY lineages. Added McQUEEN section. 05/08/98 Corrected Rockcastle Co., KY, URL for USGenWeb site. 05/06/98 Added Edna, Elsie and Ruth McQUEEN pictures. 05/05/98 Added update on Peter ROWLEY. 04/23/98 Downsized guestbook to save oldest entries. Created archive version. 04/04/98 Changed URL for USGenWeb from .com to .net. 03/27/98 Added update on Peter ROWLEY. 03/02/98 Corrected Cyndi's List to reflect new URL. Broke ROWLEY pictures down from 1 page to 3 pages for easier and quicker loading. 01/29/98 Added STAGEMEIER/STAGEMEYER photos. 01/03/98 Resized some photos. 12/30/97 Added Maryett (Rowley) McMillan notes by Janet Richardson. 12/24/97 Added Maryett (Rowley) McMillan paper as copied by Janet Richardson. 11/05/97 Correct URL for SSDI search. Added Gary & friends picture. 10/28/97 Changed rest of email addresses to Added some text. 10/17/97 Changed email address to 10/14/97 Added introductory text to identify me a little more. 10/13/97 Added link to and added Gary Stagmeyer portrait. 10/08/97 Added my children's homepage links. 10/08/97 Added picture of The Silver Fox and Arnold Palmer. 09/26/97 Changed URL for web ring. 09/16/97 Added more transcriptions to the 1921 Mpls Journal page. 08/27/97 Converted rest of .gif files to .jpb. 08/24/97 Added text to rowley6.html page which was left out inadvertently. 08/23/97 Added Timothy Rowley's history of East Chain, MN. 08/20/97 Modified sizes of Rowley and Thailand pictures to load faster. 08/04/97 Added Lillian (ROWLEY) and R.G. BORCHARDT photo. 08/03/97 Added link to "Online Genealogical Database Index" site. Converted Thailand pictures from .gif to .jpg format. 07/31/97 Converted Rowley pictures from .gif to .jpg format. 07/25/97 Removed/replaced and added Thailand pictures. 07/21/97 Removed Hannah Duston story webpages out of concern for copyrights. 07/19/97 Added CGI clock and date utility. 07/14/97 Removed invalid link to "Allen's Genealogy on the Web" site. 07/12/97 Added link to Sally Shine's Research Center in Australia. 07/09/97 Added Thailand photos. 07/05/97 Added photos on CROMER page #3. 07/04/97 Corrected links on ROWLEY page #5. 07/03/97 Added Darius ROWLEY picture. 06/21/97 Added Geocities guestbook. 06/16/97 Corrected Timothy Rowley source ("Minnesota History") question. Changed Tedd Rowley's "The Rowley Researcher" URL. 06/07/97 Added "The Minneapolis Journal" (March 1921) extracts link. 05/31/97 Alphabetized current surnames in table. 05/29/97 Added link to Martin County Genealogical Society homepage. 05/28/97 Added ROUSE extract from RI 1790 census & link to Gen. Roots Corner. 05/20/97 Added extracts from Rhode Island 1790 census. 05/13/97 Added link to Four11's Rocketmail site. 05/05/97 Added link to Four11 White Pages directory. 05/04/97 Added "purpose" of site in heading. 05/03/97 Aligned graphics in heading. 04/30/97 Added link to McHenry Co., ND. 04/19/97 Added fav link to Bobby -- a browser-comparison tool. 04/18/97 Corrected Volume # for NYG&BR reference from "38" to "37". 04/15/97 Added excerpts on Moses(5) and Daniel(5) Rowley. 04/15/97 Added timeline on Timothy(6) Sr. and Timothy(7) Rowley Jr. 04/12/97 Added link to NCSA guide to HTML. 04/10/97 Added link to Gene Stark's Gendex page. 04/09/97 Added some graphics from VikiMouse page. 04/08/97 Added favorite link to VikiMouse Genealogy Graphics page. 04/04/97 Added favorite links to Rockcastle and Laurel counties on the USGenWeb. 04/02/97 Added blurb about 1870 Rockcastle Census. 03/29/97 Added "GED2HTML last updated..." information to table. 03/26/97 Added more 1880 census data for Rockcastle Co., KY. 03/24/97 Added additional info to family photo links. 03/20/97 Added family photo of Webers and Kuenles. 03/18/97 Corrected GED2HTML links for "surnames" and "list of people". 03/16/97 Updated GED2HTML files and links. 03/15/97 Added some 1880 Census info for Rockcastle Co., KY. 03/04/97 Added 1850 Census info for Rockcastle Co., KY, certain families only. 03/01/97 Added link to Lac Qui Parle Co., MN, USGenWeb page. 02/27/97 Added Wanda (Cromer) Hood ltr. 02/25/97 Added Cromer Family to Genealogy/Information. Included John Cromer ltr. 02/22/97 Removed experimental background .gif file. Added two Hannah D. stories. 02/18/97 Added Bill & Ella Kuenle photo. Also updated URL for Martin Co. page. 02/10/97 Improved navigation around the homepage, i.e. the index at top. 02/08/97 Added more to "Janet O'Hara Richardson's Letters" page. 02/07/97 Added "Janet O'Hara Richardson's Letters" page. 02/04/97 Added Rowley/Rowlee references in GFO membership genealogy index. 02/02/97 Added link to info on Peter(8) Rowley and Mary (Dustin) Rowley. 01/31/97 Minor tweaks recommended by HTML validator to images. 01/28/97 Minor tweaks to homepage (correct link colors, etc.). 01/24/97 Minor corrections & clarifications made to Rowley1.html. 01/23/97 Removed a link which was not reciprocated. Reorganized remaining links. 01/18/97 Removed personal info. Put surnames in table format. Rearranged areas. 01/17/97 Added a link to the poem "Tim" about Timothy Rowley. 01/16/97 Corrected Ruth Ann (Rowley) Nelson's childrens' surnames. Altered Genealogy/Int. Info. section. 01/15/97 Added Timothy Rowley speech and poem. Made navigational improvements. 01/12/97 Added link to Martin County, MN, in U.S. GenWeb project. 01/11/97 Updated Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites info. 01/10/97 Added link to Cyndi's List of genealogy links. 01/09/97 Changed color schemes looking for most effective combination and modified personal info. 01/08/97 Added link to Nevada Jack's homepage. 01/07/97 Changed color schemes per reader suggestion. 01/06/97 Added genealogy web ring code and graphic files. 01/05/97 Minor tweaks and improvements. Added required Geocities logo to more pages. 01/04/97 Added Cotton Mather's account of Hannah Duston. 01/03/97 Corrected TITLE and removed blinking message. 01/01/97 Added mention of Hannah Dustin and a link to her story. Added required Geocities logo to more pages. 12/31/96 Change URL to Journal of Online Genealogy link; chg blinking message. 12/30/96 Added new "favorite link(s)": Minneapolis StarTribune & US GenWeb Proj. 12/27/96 Added a new "favorite link": Journal of Online Genealogy. 12/24/96 Added links to jump around the home page. 12/24/96 Added required Geocities logo to more pages. 12/23/96 Added a new "favorite link": Roots Computing. 12/21/96 Added required Geocities logo to more pages.
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