ROWLEY entries in the Genealogical Forum of Oregon, Inc. membership genealogy index. Member# First/middle name Dates Other A-3 Mary Pauline 1837-1910 VT-MN; m. Hiram Cutting B-169 Henry d. 1673 m. Sarah Palmer Mehetable m. John Fuller in ca1678 Moses m. Elizabeth Fuller in 1652 B-347 Mary b. 1653 m. John Weeks in 1675/6 Sarah Eng; m. Jonathan Hatch in 1646 Henry MA; m. Ann Palmer C-188 Ann 1804-1868 m. Joseph Sylvester Havens C-254 Henry m. Ann Hielsdon in 1633 D-132 Eunice Ellen b. 1866 WV; m. James Franklin Smith Calvin m. Sara Garrett F-55 Amittia ca1792-ca1863 m. Stephen Towsley Jesse b. 1763 NY; m. Sarah Jones in 1787 G-23 Sarah Eng; m. Jonathan Hatch in 1646 Henry 1600-1673 Eng; m. Sarah Palmer H-138 Martha b. 1710 CT; m. Tho. Fuller Moses ca1679 MA-CT; m. Martha Porter in 1707 Moses 1654-1735 MA-CT; m. Mary Fletcher Moses ca1627-1705 MA-CT; m. Elizabeth Fuller in 1652 Mehitabel 1660/1-ca1732 m. John Fuller Henry 1598-1673 Eng-MA; m. Sarah Palmer Sarah b. ca1625 Eng-MA; m. Jonathon Hatch in 1646 H-195 Moses I 1630-1705 m. Elizabeth Fuller I in 1652 Abigail m. Samuel Gilbert Samuel m. Elizabeth Fuller Mehitabel 1660-1732 MA; m. John Fuller in 1678 Henry d. 1673 MA; m. Sarah Palmer Moses II 1654-1735 m. Mary Fletcher J-107 Mehitable 1660 Henry m. Ann Eldson in 1633 K-166 Mehitable 1660/1-1732 m. John Fuller Matthew Sr. L-40 Celestina 1826-1910 NY; m. Samuel Harvey Marble in 1851/2 John 1799-1874 NY; m. Sophia Ellethorpe John b. 1768 CT; m. Roxanna Westland John 1744/5-1805 m. Mary Steel John m. Mary Filley M-19 Sarah 1626-1710 Henry m. Sarah Palmer O-18 George Martin 1858-1928/9 WA; m. Lucinda Ellen Rogers in 1876 Stephen 1814-1891 PA-NE; m. Laura Weed Jesse Jr. 1779-1867 NY; m. Mary "Polly" Short Jesse Sr. b. 1751/2 m. Bathsheba (unknown) Elnathan b. ca1700 CT; m. (2nd) Lidia Wells in 1736 Emma Bell b. 1891 NE; m. Clark Preston Mannon Shube(a)l 1660-1714 MA-CT; m. Catherine Crippen Moses Sr. 1630-1705 Eng-CT; m. Elizabeth Fuller Henry d. 1673 Eng-CT; m. Sarah Palmer R-38 Reed Smoot b. 1905 ID-UT-MT; m. Viola Blanch Hunter in 1927 John Thompson 1871-1939 UT-ID; m. Lucy Melvina Golding in 1891 John Thompson 1847-1925 Scot-UT; m. 1868 Jane Paul Ralph Nephi 1823-1901 Eng-UT; m. 1843 Mary Ann Thompson John Eng; m. Sarah Wright Ralph m. Amy Leigh (or Leese) R-204 Mehitabel 1660/1-ca1732 MA-CT; m. John Fuller Moses bef1630-1705 CT; m. Elizabeth Fuller in 1652 Henry Eng-MA; m. Ann Palmer S-94 Mehitabel m. John Fuller (ca1656-1726) in 1678 Moses m. Martha Porter Mary 1708-1798 m. Ebenezer Fuller in 1738 S-222 Naomi m. Samuel Fuller S-323 Henry m. Ann Heilson in 1633 T-4 Mehitable 1660-1732 MA-CT; m. John Fuller Moses 1630-1705 Eng-CT; m. Elizabeth Fuller in 1652 Henry d. 1673 Eng-MA; m. Sarah Palmer; 2nd Anne Eilston Blossom T-74 Ellen d. 1630 Eng; m. Richard Norton in 1615 Thomas m. Mary Cornwell W-260 Mary m. Garrett Durland ROWLEE surname: C-24 Elizabeth 1791-1879 NY; m. Daniel Coe in 1810 P-45 Mary (Polly) 1785-1849 NY; m. John Blauvelt in 1806 Lt. Heman 1746-1818 NY; m. Lydia Seely (Seeley)
The Rowleys appearing in the index are:
Ann (p. 18)
Gustavus (p. 32)
Harriet M. (p. 32)
Nancy (p. 18)
Robert (p. 18)
On p. 18, under "APPRENTICE BONDS FOR FREEDMEN, UNION CO, KY 1866-1868",
it reads:
"After the Civil War, many former slave children were left with no means
of support and were often bound out to people in the community,
sometimes their former owners, to learn a trade. These apprentice bonds
may provide the only record of the age of these children. In exchange
for food, lodging, clothing, and medical attention, the apprentice was
to faithfully and honestly serve his/her master. At the expiration of
the term, the apprentice was to receive a new suit of clothing and a sum
of money. Males were to receive $100 and females were to receive $50,
if they were not taught to read and write.
"31 Dec 1866 Ann ROWLEY, who was born 13 Aug 1852, bound to Robert
ROWLEY until 3 Aug 1872, when she will arrive at the age of 18 years,
to learn the art of housekeeping; she having no known parents.
"8 Jan 1867 George FERREL, minor of Nancy ROWLEY (dec'd) bound to John
J. BARNETT until 15 Dec 1875, at which time George will attain the age
of 21 years, to learn the art of farming; George having no parents
On p. 32, under "BURROUGHS GENEALOGY, UNION CO, KY", it reads:
"Union Co, KY County Court Order Book G, pg 22, Sept term 1861
"'On motion of Gustavus ROWLEY, George HENSHAW Esquire well known to
this Court as a Gentleman of veracity[,] personally came into court and
by the oath of sd. Geo. HENSHAW was proven that he was acquainted
personally with George BURROUGHS[,] formerly of Union County Kentucky[,]
that Geo. BURROUGHS died some two years since - sd. HENSHAW further
stated that he was not personally acquainted with Harriet BURROUGHS[,]
wife of sd. George[,] but that is the common report and he has every
reason to believe that she died in sd. county of Union many years ago -
that he well knew Elizabeth BURROUGHS[,] their daughter and only child
who intermarried with one WILLIAM POOL and the Elizabeth POOL departed
this life over Twenty years ago in Union County and that Elizabeth POOL
had but one child[,] Harriet Mary POOL[,] who afterwards married and is
now the wife of sd. Gustavus ROWLEY[,] now residing in sd. County of
Union[,] which facts are Certified to all whom it may Concern.'"
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