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I'm sorry to disappoint anyone who may be looking for the family history links that used to be here. Due to privacy concerns, I have removed all the personal information which was contained in the data. Hopefully I will have the time to refresh this site with more up-to-date, and a little less revealing, information.
BORCHARDT (PRUS=>IA=>MN; c.1895-date) | BRADLEY (KY) |
CROMER (PA=>VA=>KY=>CO; c.1758-date) | DOAN (KY) |
DUSTIN/DUSTON (ENG=>NH=>MA=>NY=>WI; c.1606-1867) | FRANE (IA) |
KUENLE (GER=>NE=>ND=>MN; c.1890-date) | LOVEJOY (NE) |
McQUEEN (IA; c.1890-1915) | PRICE (KY) |
ROWLEY (CT=>NY=>WI=>MN; c.1632-date) | STAGMEYER (NE=>CO) |
STEFFEN (PRUS=>ND=>MN; c.1870-date) | WEGNER (ND) |
GED2HTML files last updated 16 Mar 1997 | WHITMARSH (NE) |
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While attending college at St. Cloud State University (in Minnesota) in 1977, I obtained a bound collection of The Minneapolis Journal from an acquaintenance who was moving and, while trying to lighten his load, planned on throwing it away. Being the packrat I am, I asked him if I could have it. Fortunately, it has survived all of my moves over the years and, before it gets much more brittle, I have finally started extracting the births, deaths, marriages, and other mentions of people's names. It seems fitting that as soon as I started extracting just yesterday (June 6th, 1997), I should find a surname that I am researching -- Rowley! Hopefully I can squeeze all the names on one webpage to make it easy to do a FIND on the surnames you may be looking for. This is going to take me a long, long time to finish, so please check back if you think you may have had a relative in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area in 1921. Here is the link to the The Minneapolis Journal.
The Cromer Family
In the middle of 1996, after using the Four11
Web Directory to search for Cromers in Kentucky, I sent an email
to a Josh Cromer. He was kind enough to forward my request for
Cromer family information on to his great uncle, John Cromer.
Here is the letter
I received from Mr. Cromer.
this letter with a great story about Constable LaSale Cromer, written by his niece, Wanda Cromer Hood. It also contains quite a bit of information on other Rockcastle County Cromers.
1850, 1870 and 1880 Censuses
I have been recording as much information as possible from the 1850 and 1880 censuses which are available at the Genealogical Forum. I focused on the Cromer, Price, Bullock, Renner, and Bradley family names. Here is what I have on the 1850 Census and this is what I've transcribed from the 1880 Census.
My line: Thomas DURSTON(1), Thomas(2) DUSTON, Thomas(3) DUSTIN, Nathaniel(4), Timothy(5), Moses(6), Alice(7), Darius(8) ROWLEY, Timothy(9), Lillian Edna(10), Eugene Walter(11) BORCHARDT, Michael Paul(12)
Hannah Duston, wife of Thomas(3) Duston
One of the more famous people in the family tree is my seventh great-grandmother, Hannah DUSTON. There is a statue of her in Haverhill, MA. (If anyone can help me obtain a picture of this statue, I would sure appreciate it! Thanks, Maureen, for showing me where to find one! ;-)) I have found three renditions of Hannah's story. The first is from "NOTABLE AMERICAN WOMEN 1607-1950". The second was written by Henry David Thoreau and is found in his book, "A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers". The last version, one of my favorites (even though it may not be accepted as quite historically-correct) is called "Judging Hannah" by Sybil Smith. (This appeared in "Yankee" magazine in January of 1995).
Hannah's original, first-hand account was recorded by historian Cotton Mather in his "Magnalia Christi Americana; or The Ecclesiastical History of New-England".
If you would like to read any of the above stories, please email me and tell me which one(s) you'd like to see...
Mary (Dustin) Phelps, sister of Alice(7) (Dustin) Rowley
Here is a transcript of the obituary of Mary Cornelia Phelps, who died 2 Jan 1888, in Westfield, Chautauqua Co., NY.
Janet(11) O'Hara Richardson (Donald(10) O'Hara, Martha(9) McMillan, Maryett(8)Rowley, Alice(7), Moses(6), Timothy(5), Nathaniel(4) Dustin, Thomas(3), Thomas(2) Duston, Thomas Durston(1))
Transcribed here are the letters written by Janet to LaVonne(11) Borchardt. A lot of Dustin/Duston research is presented here.
My line: Abram(1) McQUEEN, Theodore(2), Hosiah Pomroy(3), Floe Marie (aka Elsie Lucille Florence WEBER)(4), Ardis Ellen KUENLE(5), Michael Paul(6) BORCHARDT
On April 24th, 1998, I received the following email message:
*** Start of message ***
From: Joel McQueen
To: mikeborchardt@hotmail.com
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 13:29:05 -0500
I stumbled across your posting on the Martin County,
MN, genealogy webpage by chance. It appears I have information
that may help in your search for your grandmother's McQueen
ancestors. You may have already found what you need, but,
if not, let me know.
*** End of message ***
With that simple message, Joel began to reveal something that I thought would take me a long, long time to learn -- the names of the birth parents of my adopted grandmother, Elsie (McQUEEN/WEBER) KUENLE/MEYENBURG. She had tried to learn who her parents were before she died in 1984, but was never able to find the right people to help her out. She was originally told that the orphanage she supposedly stayed in had burned to the ground along with all of the records in it. In the near future I will be sharing what Joel has so generously passed on to me.
(Note: see Abram McQUEEN genealogy.)
My line: Oliver ROUSE(1), Louisa(2), Timothy(3) ROWLEY, Lillian Edna(4), Eugene Walter(5) BORCHARDT, Michael Paul(6)
Louisa Rouse(2) (Oliver(1))
Louisa (Rouse) Rowley was my great-great-grandmother. She was probably born in Wisconsin, was married to Darius Rowley, and died in East Chain, Martin Co., MN. Early in 1997 Maureen Reed, a Rowley/Dustin cousin, helped me to learn that her father's name was Oliver. His name is found along with Peter Rowley's in early eastern Wisconsin historical documents (see information on Peter Rowley below). While doing research for another project, I found the following information on some "Rouse/Rowse" families in the 1790 census.
My line: Henry(1) ROWLEY, Moses(2,3,4,5), Timothy(6), Timothy (7), Peter(8), Darius(8), Timothy(9), Lillian Edna(10), Eugene Walter(11) BORCHARDT, Michael Paul(12)
I would like to recommend that all ROWLEY family researchers check out the Rowley Genealogical Research page maintained by Tedd Rowley. A lot of the Rowley information I have was obtained by researching through and/or for Tedd's website.
The following are ROWLEY items pertaining to my immediate line...
Peter(8) (Timothy(7), Timothy(6), Moses(5,4,3,2), Henry(1))
From 1977 to 1995, a Rowley researcher, Janet O'Hara Richardson (see below), compiled a lot of information on the Peter Rowley family and their descendants. Reading the letters she sent to my Aunt LaVonne Borchardt, I almost feel like I had the opportunity to know her. She seemed to be a very thorough researcher in addition to being a compassionate and generous person. I say a "Thank You!" every time I read through her letters and notes she shared with my aunt. Here is some of what she found and shared on Peter(8).
A timeline showing the whereabouts of Peter's father and grandfather, Timothy Jr.(7) and Timothy Sr.(6) was also done by Janet.
For a brief rundown on Peter's great-grandfather, Moses(5) Rowley, read the excerpt from the 1906 edition of the "NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD, VOLUME 37". Also included in that excerpt is a sketch of Moses'(5) brother, Daniel(5) Rowley.
Janet also shared some notes written by her great-grandmother, Maryett (Rowley) McMillan. I will soon be adding some more hand-written notes from Janet on this document. (Notes added 12/30/97.)
27 March 1998 Peter Rowley update: It was recently discovered that Peter appeared to be living in Martin County, MN, in 1867. Some of the Wickham family descendants of his youngest daughter, Abby Ann (Rowley/Wickham) Tower, have begun to put the story of their family together. In the process, many documents in their possession, including a large file of letters and an application for a Civil War Widow's Pension for Abby Ann, reveal that Peter was a resident of Martin Co. in a letter he signed in 1867! An extremely large amount of data is being accumulated to help piece together what took place during the 1800s as the Rowley and Wickham families migrated to Martin Co. from Manitowoc Co., WI.
5 May 1998 Peter Rowley update: Thanks to the help of a lookup volunteer, Margaret Jenstad, on the Martin Co., MN, USGenWeb site, more information to support the event of Peter and Alice (Dustin) Rowley moving to Martin Co. has been found. In the book Margaret is providing lookups in, "Memorial Record of the Counties of Faribault, Martin, Watonwan, and Jackson, Minnesota" (published in 1895), there is a biography on George J. Tower, the second husband of Peter and Alice's youngest child, Abby Ann. In the bio there is a passage that reads:
"On the 1st of September, 1866, Mr. Tower led to the marriage altar Mrs. Abbie A. Wickham, a native of Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, and a daughter of Peter and Alice (Dustin) Rowley, who came to Martin county before the war and settled at East Chain; both are now deceased."
We are still working on trying to find out if Peter and Alice died and are buried in Martin County.
19 May 1998 Peter Rowley update: Thanks to the help of Margaret Jenstad again(!), the following has also been discovered in the special 1865 Minnesota census:
"This 1865 census doesn't seem to me to be very complete, and the pages are very faded, and penmanship is atrocious.....so I can hardly read the names. In other words, don't know how helpful the info. below will be. This census only gives the names and gender of people, and dwelling #'s. No ages or other info. "Nevada Township, Martin Co., MN Dwelling # 54 Lucy A. Schultz female ?Niles...or ?Felix... ....or ?Peter Rowley male (can hardly read at all) Dwelling # 85 ?__arrs? (Darius?) Rowley male S. A. female S. male O. __. (G?, maybe) male ?Peter male"
So, it appears that in Dwelling #54, Peter is probably living with his daughter, Lucy in 1865. Alice must have passed away by then. Because of another newly discovered fact by Maureen Reed, it can also be determined that Peter may have moved to Martin Co. in late 1863 because his signature appears on a letter in the probate papers in Manitowoc Co., WI, of Aaron Walker, his son-in-law who died in the Civil War. In Dwelling #85 appears to be Peter's son Darius and his family, wife Louisa and sons Timothy, Oliver Grainger, and Peter.
23 Jan 2000 Lemuel Burton Rowley, son of Peter and Alice Rowley, update: In a search for descendants of Peter and Alice Rowley's oldest son, Lemuel Burton (a.k.a. "L.B" and "Burton") we are submitting a query to the Emmet Co., IA, USGenWeb website where he was found in the 1870 U.S. census: click here to read it.
Timothy(10) (Darius(9), Peter(8), Timothy(7), Timothy(6), Moses(5,4,3,2), Henry(1))
My great-grandfather, Timothy Rowley, gave a speech at age 73 entitled "The Ordeal of Pioneering". It appears in this form as photocopied from Minnesota History, A Quarterly Magazine, Vol. X, published in 1929 by the Minnesota Historical Society (St. Paul) and edited by Theodore Blegen, with Bertha L. Heilbron as assistant editor. It must have been a busy year for Timothy because he also had an historical narrative published called "East Chain Township, Martin County, Minnesota, Historical Narrative covering the period from 1856-1929".
If you liked the stories above, then you'll probably enjoy "Timothy Rowley's Poem" written by him. Another poem, written about him, is called "Tim". It appeared in the southern Minnesota newspaper, the Fairmont Daily Sentinel, in 1949.
Janet(12) O'Hara Richardson (Donald(11) O'Hara, Martha(10) McMillan, Maryett(9) Rowley, Peter(8), Timothy(7), Timothy(6), Moses(5,4,3,2), Henry(1))
Transcribed here are the letters sent from Janet to LaVonne(12) Borchardt from 1978 to 1981. Also included is a letter from Janet's husband, Robert.
Miscellaneous Rowley/Rowlee Information
If you are a Rowley researcher, you might be interested in going through the following Rowley/Rowlee entries in the Genealogical Forum of Oregon, Inc. membership genealogy index.
On 10 Dec 1998 I went to the Multnomah County Library in Portland to kill some time while two of my kids were taking in an "Acoustic Christmas" concert. I transcribed all the ROWLEE/ROWLEY surnames I found in a newspaper index cardex file. I had time to track down some of the newspaper articles which are also transcribed. Click here to read them. (Note: As of 1/8/99, all of the articles I found on microfilm are transcribed here... mpb)
Rowleys in Kentucky in the 1860s
If you have Rowley family from Kentucky, see the following from the Western Kentucky Journal in the Winter 1997 issue.
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visits since November 26, 1996.