A Few Candid Shots

"Who Had That Camera??!"
Once a ham, always a ham... Ms. Kate claims to despise a camera but always seems to enjoy it later Tender moments should be captured to be treasured later. Candy and daughter Diana in just such a moment.

Geez!!..... I think she popped me!!... That'll "learn" ya.... Candy, Bluemazzy, and me during Blue's chance "passing thru" visit to Delaware.

During a visit to Pottsville I happened to stop elsewhere for a visit and found out just what a sweetie that Gigi really is...and daughter Monet is an image of Mom, with a smile as big as her heart.
That trip to Pottsville? It was to build a set of steps for Cathie. Nice, huh? Thats Raymond who was my partner in the project. And who do we have here? That marlene on another of her oddesys stopped by and was captured doing what she does best... bein her friendly self, hehehe!

emmers and company One Hallow's eve the faerie contingent ended up in front of the lens as well. We have Nefta the evil faerie queen (Rook), Emberon faerie god emperess (Deb), George Sands the quite dead writer (Joanne), and Equenatia the elven healer (Donna). These wonderous beings are quite the life of the party, and none sweeter than the humans behind their alteregos.
As we meet and photograph, the page will grow with our newfound friends........