New England Pignic Map
e have directions to the pignic! Below you should see a map if Westfield MA and the location of Stanley Park (the red ball). If you see a broken image, click on it and it will take you to the mapping program. On this map are three main state roads:- Route 20 comes in from the west border,
- Route 202 comes in from the south and goes up to the north, if you travel on I-90 you would take exit 3 off the Mass Pike and turn south (right)
- Route 187 comes in from the southeast.
This map can be clicked on and zoomed or panned to get a better feel for the way to get there.
Everyone who comes should observe the following rules:
- Each party is responsible for their own food, beverage, piggens or children;
- Topics of discussion will include feeding, housing, training (pigs not slaves), health care etc.
- There will be no arguments about who's pig is the cutest (Since Penny already is!)
- Discussions on resistance to the eventual take over of the world by Guinea Pigs should be conducted out of range of the GPs
- Start time is 11:00 a.m. end time will be whenever the last person leaves
- If it's going to rain, we have no alternative plan. Maybe we could all find shelter at Westfield State.
Click on the map to browse
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Page maintained by Dale L. Sigler. Copyright © 1997. Updated: 6/19/00