The Lighthouse Radio Bible Study

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Our Views Concerning The Word Of God:

1. It is holy and inspired by God.
2. It is what brings life and immortality to light. It is how we become wise unto salvation.
3. It is the lamp unto our feet that helps us identify and avoid sin.
4. It is God's gift to us to enable us to grow in grace.
5. It is the authority that determines faith and practice.
6. Its chief theme is Jesus Christ the Lord.
7. It is to be preached and studied throughout the world until Jesus comes again.

These beliefs are the motivational force behind the Lighthouse Radio Bible Study

New Program Host

We welcome the new host for the Lighthouse Radio Bible Study Programs, Elder Scott Riner. Brother Scott's first program aired Sunday, February 5, 2006

We extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to Elder David Summerford for eleven years of faithful service as the host. Brother David's last program on January 29, 2006, is available on the Programs Page.

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This page last updated on May 1, 2009
Copyright © January 2009 The Lighthouse Radio Bible Study. All Rights Reserved.