"Shakin" The Boney Family Tree

Munchkin's Muses

I started working on my family genealogy just last year. My interest peaked when my father started bringing home old photos of his family that his cousin had given him. He never even knew that these photos existed. His mothers side of the family had already been researched but not his fathers. His cousin had sent him a genealogy of his side of the family that he had gathered. This is where I started. I was told that two Boney brothers came to America from Switzerland in the 1600's. One's name was Jacob and the others name is unknown at this point. Jacob came to North Carolina and the brother went to Texas. Names I have linked to the Boney family so far are: Zellar, Teachey, Wells, Savage, Mallard?, Peterson, Harrell, McGuire, Everett, Jordan, Sheffield, Vann, Newkirk, Williams, Smith, Alderman, Register, Beach, Knowles, Southerland, James, Stokes, Pigford, Newton, Blanton, Turner, Stalling, Russel, Mills, James, Williams, Sandlin, Carlton, Herring, Strickland, Laine, Tice. Areas include North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Texas, Florida and Alabama. The search still continues.

Links to other sites on the Web

Family Tree Maker Online
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Searchable Genealogy Links
Top Genealogy Sites
Genealogy Links Galore
The Genealogy Resource Page
Whats Really New In WWW Genealogy Pages
Genealogy Resources On The Internet
North Carolina Vital Records Information

Besides working on my family genealogy, I am also a craftaholic. I do a little bit of everything. Paint, cross-stitch, silk ribbon embroidery, crochet, quilt and make porcelain dolls to name a few. It soothes the nerves. At least it does mine. Check out some of these great sites.

Links to other sites on the Web

Free Stuff For Crafters-Great Offers
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