General appearance:

General appearance: I'm a medium-size dog with a bushy coat. Our breed bears some resemblance to the Lhasa Apso.

Lhasa Apso 

Hight:35.6 to 40.6cm(14 to 16in) Bitches less.

This isn't Coco

They aren't Coco.

Weight: 8 to 14kg (18 to 30lb)
Head: Well furnished with long hair. Skull neither domed nor flat, narrowing somewhat towards the eyes. 

This isn't Coco.

This isn't Coco.

Marked stop-Jaw forming a clean curve. Slight beard. Black nose.
Eyes: large dark, rather wide apart. Rims black.   This isn't Coco.

This isn't Coco.

Ears: pendent, V-shaped medium size, feathered.
Body: sturdy, well ribbed. Slightly arched loin

This isn't Coco.

Lhasa Apso

Tail : medium length, set rather high, well feathered, curled on the back, often with a kink at the tip.
Forequarters: straight, well muscled Lhasa Apso
Hindquarters: well muscled, Hocks set low

Lhasa Apso

Feet: big round, well garnished with hair.
