Joseph Cherian's Homepage

Hebrew 10:35,36"Therefore, do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised."


Written on every heart is the intuitive realization that somehow there is life after death. We don't talk about it much, but everyone thinks about it sooner or later. Sometimes circumstances occur to bring it front and cent in our minds.

A thirty five year old man of the world was with his friends at the Colorado River. One member of the party tried to water-ski close to the campsite in an attempt to spray water on the group. Instead he hit a parked boat while he was going about fifty miles an hour; he shot through the air and slammed his head on an overhanging tree. He was killed instantly .

One of his friends, who rarely contemplated eternity, judgement, sin, or salvation, stayed with the body while the others rushed downriver for help. As he sat by the fire alone, he looked at the lifeless body of his friend covered with a blanket. Needless to say, he was shocked into the reality of thinking about what he rarely considered----life after death.

Jesus Christ had much to say about the future life. He never wasted time debating whether or not humans have an eternal soul that will spend eternity somewhere; He simply assumed it. In fact, He warned several times that man's eternal soul was more important than his physical life. He asked,

""What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul? For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father's glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what he has done"
(Mathew 16:26-27)

Jesus' primary purpose in coming to this earth was to prepare people for eternity, for He said, "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full"(John 10:10). It was also Christ who told His disciples, "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me"(John 14:1)

That "heaven","ethernity," "the resurrection," and other terms that bring peace to the heart of man refer to real things can be verifed throughout the Bible. Scriptural teaching concerning eternity are credible because they parallel what we all intuitively believe, that ther is a different life after physical death.

One day a man came to Jesus and asked, "Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?"(Mark 10:17). All thinking people have asked that kind of question sometime in life. There is another way of asking,How can I prepare for eternity?  

How Can We Prepare for Eternity?

There is only one true way to prepare for out eternal future:"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ." You may at first be inclined to say, "That is too easy; surely I must do something."

Not really! The difficult part of salvation has all been accomplished. Jesus suffered for out sins, died, and rose again as a testimony that God ws satisfied with His sacrifice for sin. Being God in human flesh, He was more than adequate to cleanse the sins of the whole world if they would believe. It wasn't easy, for it cost Him everything. But to us, salvation is free, the gift of God.

If you believe Christ died for your sins and rose again, then acknowledge Him as Lord and Savior of your life. This involves recognizing your status as a sinner and willingness to repent of your self-will and rebellion against God, making Him Lord of your life. You can prepare for your future readily by sincerely praying the following prayer:

"Oh God, I am a sinner, and I believe you Son, Jesus Christ, died for my sins. I need your forgiveness and cleansing; this day I turn my life over to you."

Suppose that you were to pass away today, this very moment? Have you prepared for eternity by personally receiving Christ? If you haven't, do it now. And after you have uttered that prayer of repentance, please let me know of your decision. You can contact me at

This site is being made so that people saved and unsaved can find direction, comfort, hope, and an eternal home. Listed below are information to help you plan for your future and be fruitful in the present day. ENJOY & GOD BLESS YOU!!!

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