Shortly before printing began on this book, I made the decision to include
this foreword. God had been tugging at my heart earlier to do so, but I
didn't want to include anything about the New York incident because it
was so tragic. No one ever thought such a crisis could happen in the U.S.A.!
America always seemed to be protected by God. But on that day, things changed.
My heart and prayers go out to all who were affected from this tragedy
that took place in New York City and Washington, D.C., on September 11,
2001. There were so many innocent lives lost, and this was definitely a
very sad day for America. It's also a scary thing to watch America experience,
once again, something that we only thought could take place in other parts
of the world. But when I watched our symbols of wealth and freedom being
attacked, I couldn't help but also think we, as a nation, were in big trouble--with
This is a book of warnings. It was written to encourage others to stop
what they're doing, and find their safe place with God while they still
have time to do so. I believe there are many changes coming! We live in
a great nation. But, as you will read, even the U.S.A. might change in
the days that lie ahead. And what God began to show me about the September
11 tragedy was nothing close to the message of "peace and safety" I was
hearing from others that were speaking out to America . . .
I first go back to a message I received on November
9, 1997, which included the following statement: "An unexpected air
strike(s) aimed at the U.S.A.--and it does hit U.S.A. soil--will immediately
change the whole outlay of the U.S.A. strategic planning and arms defense."
I couldn't help but wonder if this statement was referring to what
happened to the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. While searching for
answers, God led me back to a chapter in the Bible he took me to many times
in the previous months before the September 11 tragedy. The chapter was
Isaiah 23, "The Fall of Tyre." (Tyre is an ancient city located on the
Mediterranean.) I didn't understand why God kept taking me back to this
chapter. So I finally began to search for other Scriptures that referred
to Tyre in the Bible. In doing so, I came upon Ezekiel 26, where the heading
read, "The Judgment of Tyre." (The whole word about Tyre actually includes
Chapters 26-28.)
I encourage you to read these Scriptures. For, after I read especially
Ezekiel 26, I was amazed to find out how close it described the picture
of what happened in New York City. I also went back to read Isaiah 23 again,
and in verse 9, was surprised to find out "Who" planned Tyre's fall, and
why. After I did some research on Tyre, I also noticed the following similarities
between Tyre and New York: It was a city known for its beauty and economic
wealth, it was a maritime center and important seaport for world commerce
and trade, and it was a city greatly admired and visited by many nations
around the world. I suddenly realized that God could be using Tyre as an
example to what occurred in New York City when the twin towers crashed
to the ground! I especially believed this after He gave me the following
warning to the United States of America: "Follow the path Tyre took, from
beginning to end. Thus, you will see what's coming to the U.S.A.--If she
does not repent."
The Bible supplies us with many examples, and warnings to heed,
so we will take God serious and turn our hearts back to Him. Is Tyre being
used as an example from God to America? What if America turned its back
on God?And God turned His back on America for just a second? Is there something
America is doing that God doesn't approve of? Would God allow this tragedy
to happen to wake America up and get her to turn back to Him? Is it an
example to be shared with others around the world?
God is shaking all the nations! What He is looking for is hearts! Thus,
I believe even America must get prepared for some difficult times ahead.
I have seen God warn of impossible situations in this book--Some that are
coming to pass! And I encourage you to turn your hearts back to God, as
you take this foreword and the other information shared in this book serious.
I share it to both America and the world, knowing one day I will have to
stand before God and give an account. I hope you will read it with the
same seriousness to prepare you and your loved ones for that day, as well.
(Though this book is filled with warnings to the U.S.A., Chapter
12 Final Warnings to America might help you better understand this