Jack, Jerry, Carol and Janell, 1950

Jerry, Young Adult
 Jerry in 2003
A Loving Tribute to my Brother
My siblings and I have a lot in common, but Jerry is the only one with blue eyes like our mother's, very pretty blue eyes. He is only two years older than myself and because of the closeness of our ages, we were always
on more of an equal footing. He is the
one that I ripped and romped with, and tangled up with the most.
Together, we almost drove Mama crazy. I'll never forget the time when
the weather kept us indoors. Mama was standing over the ironing board, as
she very often had to do, with four children to keep clothed. We were
almost literally under her feet with our fussin' and fightin'. She had
had enough, and announced that she was leaving. And leave she did.
Went right out the door, and
started walking down the road and had gone a good distance. I take credit for bringing her home,
because I was the one outside yelling as loud as I could, "Mama, come
back, we'll be good." I probably should take credit for starting whatever caused her to leave, also. There were many enjoyable hours of play and fun, as well. Mama was ingenious, inventing games and activities to keep us busy. One of the games I liked best that we played inside was "I Spy." We would hide a thimble and the others would try to find it. We'll never forget the sawdust pit made for us to provide a soft landing when learning to "high jump." Mama was very creative, so we were challenged mentally and physically. LOTS OF FUN AND MEMORIES!!!
Jerry had a job during high school and was able to buy a typewriter. He was very generous in sharing it with me and I was able to teach myself how to type during one summer. I remember distinctly a turning point in our relationship,
with Jerry being more of a teacher than an equal. He had left home to go to college, and I was the only child left at home.
I was dating, and he gave me some advice about who I should and should not
date. Believe it or not, I paid attention and I appreciated the advice and loved him
for taking an interest in my decisions. It was a wonderful way for him to show how much he cared about me.
After college, his job took him many
miles away from us all, and that was another major turning point. A
very sad time for us, but we began to look forward to his visits
home, and our visits to him. We were thankful that he wanted to come
home as often as he could. He was very successful in his career, and
he has a wonderful wife, Pat, two lovely daughters, Becky and Margaret, two handsome sons-in-law, four
darling grandchildren, Abbey, Brad, Scott and David.
Jerry is like my other siblings - very intelligent! He has always
been very competitive, and always excelled in every undertaking. In high school
he won awards with his broad jumping and was a very good basketball
player. He continued playing after high school, adding golf and racket ball to his interests. His main interest
now in the competitive field is playing bridge and he is a bridge master. He recently became qualified to be a bridge director. He voluntarily helps senior citizens during tax season.
God gives each of us different talents. Jerry has definitely made the
best of his!
Jerry, I'm very thankful to
Mama and Daddy for enduring the tough years when we were growing
up. They did their work as parents, and we are reaping the benefit as
very close friends.
I love you! Your sister, Carol.
Created August 21, 2003 by Carol Boyd |