About two years ago I started this genealogy stuff!
Well, I didn't, my brother-in-law got me started when he got a Family Tree
Maker program and was going to do the Davis Genealogy himself.
Since he did a lot of work on his computer for his job, he found he was
not going to have the room on his hard drive to do both. Soooo...yep,
here I am! Little did he, or I, know I would get as involved
as I have in genealogy as a whole! I've gotten into the USGenWeb,
in Illinois (IlGenWeb), Mississippi (MsGenWeb) and Louisiana (LaGenWeb),
into the IlGenWeb Civil War Project, and miscellaneous other things related.
Consequently my own, and my husbands (He's of the Davis Family in these
pages), have suffered from extreme neglect. There are just not enough
hours in a day. Since I can't seem to get the time to even answer
e-mail sometimes, or send information from my files, I decided to do this.
There are softwar programs that have a search
engine, and all that fancy stuff, and one day I might learn how to use
those. In the meantime though, Family Tree Maker (the newest version)
has a "Family Report" whereby you can include as many generations as you
wish, on what ever branch, surname, and so on as you wish. So, this
will do the trick for now, until I do find a better way to do it.
I only have two branches done up in the Family Report so far, but that
is at least a start.
Census, Marriage,
Cemetery listings for Baccus/Davis/Curry
families. (These records are not all for my husbands Ancestors.
When my cousin got these we didn't have some of the information we do now
have, and she just got all that she could find with these surnames).
Perhaps some of you will find information that will help your search.
Good Luck!
Some History of Jesse Baccus and Joppa,
There is the Kern branch, which I've been having a very difficult time
finding out anything about them. My husbands grandfather was Luther
Elmer (or could be Elmer Luther) Kern, born in Effingham, Illinois about
1871. Nothing positive on that. This is my husbands mother's
father. Also the Curry branch (this was my husbands great-grandmother).
We believe from Kentucky.
Should you find a connection, or have some information that might help,
please e-mail me! I will try to answer as best I can.

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