I would like to make note, at this time, of the much appreciated response and effort
on behalf of the American Commercial Barge Lines, and Christina L. Anders in the Human
Resources Deptment. I was trying to secure a picture of the Warren D (a boat christened
after Dad). Either the Warren D, or the Meriwether Louis, which he had served as
Captain on for almost 30 years. I found the ACBL on line, as many Companies are now
days, and sent an e-mail telling them what I was looking for. I really didn't expect
an answer. The very next morning I found an e-mail in my mailbox from them. Needless to
say I was really surprised, and very pleased. They gave me a phone number to call. I called,
but that person was away from their desk. So, I figured it may be a while after all.
About an hour later I got a phone call. I had left a message on their answering service,
and a young woman was returning my call. She said the message had been forwarded to her,
since the request was in her department. She said she couldn't find a picture of the
Meriwether Louis, but she did have 2 pictures of the Warren D, and would send them
via overnight express. Which she did! My neighbor scanned it and I put it in here.
Thank you, ACBL and Christina Anders!
I am using another picture (scanned by neighbor) of the M/V Kansas City, with Tow as the
background for this page. Dad's tows were considerably larger than this one, but it
does give an idea of what he did. I had to
lighten it somewhat, or none of the writing would show up.
He was loved and respected by his family most of all.
He was a very responsible man, supporting his family and more.
The M/V Meriweather Louis
Mom & Dad in Mexicali, Mexico - 1940
Mom and friend in Galley of the Meriwether Louis. Not sure of time frame here, but more recent
than 1940.
Mom is the one on the right.
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