(My Knight in Shinning Armor!!)
Charles was born in Greenville, Mississippi in 1933! He lived some of his young childhood on a house boat. He has told me of having been tied by a rope around his waiste when real young, and on deck, so as not to fall overboard. He also talks of times when he rowed to school. School friends would come spend the night, thinking it fun to row the boat to school. Sound a bit familiar? (He said they rarely returned for a second night!)
Charles is the middle child of three boys! Both Charles and his older brother (by 1 year) had nick names that they are still known by. Charles's is Bunny, and Warren, Jr., is Sonny. The younger brother (by 6 yrs.) escaped the nick name routine. (I think!) Where these nick names came from, I don't know! But, to this day they are all known by those nick names! His father was a Captain on the river. As was his mothers brother, Roy Kern, and his fathers brother-in-law Henry Muirhead (aka. Foots). Charles's maternal grandparents lived with them much of his childhood. With is father gone for weeks, even months, at a time, he didn't see his father a lot. Not to worry, they had some good male mentors as in their Grandfather Kern, and Uncle Roy and Uncle Foots. One of them was usually in on days off when his father was gone. However, if he seemed to need his fathers attention, he would often ride the boats with his father during summer vacations. Work was a good thing to do when a youngster had too much time on his hands, and needed something to 'keep them off the streets'. It worked! They lived for a couple years in Yuma, Arizona! Their father was with the Corp. of Engineers, and worked on floatation devices. (In Arizona??) Yep, in Arizona...
Charles started working on the river, on his own, at a very young age. This was interrupted with the Korean war. When he was 17 he went into the Navy, and was assigned to an experimental unit called UDT. While his knowledge and working experience with boats was needed, his natural swimming ability was needed more. If you look at his feet you would almost swear they are webbed. (He swims like a fish! I, on the other hand, look like I'm trying to drown!)
Charles hasn't had much to do with this computer, the internet, or
the Home Page! He just isn't all that keen on the whole thing. Until now, that is! I found
some truckers with Home Pages, maintained by them, wives or mothers! So, listed below the
Trucks are some Truckers Home Pages!
Well, lets see, these were taken about 20 years ago! Lots of things have changed
over the years. I'm a little fatter, got some gray hair. Charlie has lots of gray
hair, and his muscles have kind of moved around, or something like that. I was trying my
darndest not to laugh, so I managed to screw my face up for one shot, here. (Hate to have
my picture taken!) I know I have other pictures around here somewhere. Maybe one day I'll
find them, and change these out! Ha! These are probably the best ones I've got!
(Animated gif by (c)Kitty Roach)
I was born in Omaha, Nebraska in 1938! My parents, George Reed and Rosalie Musgrave. I had one older brother (by 20 months), Riley Reed. Riley and I were close, most of the time. Seemed like he was always a foot taller than me! He grew up to a good 6' l-1/2, while I am 5' 1-1/2! We didn't look a lot alike, so in our teens we used that to our advantage! We went to many proms together! (Hadn't been in town long enough to know anyone to ask, or be asked). I lost my brother about 2 years after my father. I miss him, but have so many good memories!
My marriage of, 12 years, broke down! So, my 3 sons and I went to San Diego, California, where my parents were then residing. My Ex-husband and I decided to give the marriage another try, after about 2 years. (Sometimes that works!) It didn't this time! So, me, and my 3 sons, wound up in Shreveport, La., where my parents had moved to, and met Charles on Dec. 31, 1971! Married him one year later! Yep, we'll be married 24 years! Kind of looks like we just might stay together!
Since I was never one to use the word 'Can't' (parents just wouldn't let me) and Charles offered to teach me how to drive a truck, I said 'sure'! Well, why not! At that time I didn't know what the future would bring! Charles and I were not thinking marriage at that time! I had three sons to support, and maybe I could make better money! When I told my parents I was going to learn how to drive a truck, mother said 'Oh Terry', and father just sat back, nodded his head and with a straight face said 'It figures'!
About 4 years ago I purchased my first Personal Computer - a small 170mg. hard drive, 25hz. and 4mg. ram. My husbands brother put Family Tree Maker on it for me, so I could do the genealogy on their family. Wanted to do something other than play games. Got started on my husbands family genealogy, and decided to do some on my own, too. Found some colorful people in both families! Used to hate history in school! Would have failed a year had it not been for my English/Homeroom teacher that took me in tow. Introduced History as a "Mystery"! (She knew I was an avid mystery book reader!) I passed that year - and haven't seen history as dull since then. Most especially not in family genealogy.
Discovered an on-line service, and got hooked with it for some
time. Got a little taste of the Internet! (Kept hearing about this New Super Information
Highway). Since finances were limited (still are) I could't afford the hourly rates, or
surcharges, so the time on line was limited. My small computer broke...(it was in the shop
for 2 months) my very sweet husband went and bought me a bigger and better computer. (1gb
hard drive, pentium and 24mg. ram). THEN, I found out that there were services direct to
the Internet with monthly rates. One price and unlimited time! SO, I DID IT! Got hooked
for life! Surfed the web, found Genealogy Home Pages...heard about Geo.Cities (free web
pages), and WALLA! HERE I AM WITH MY OWN WEB PAGE!! 21st Century, here I come!!
In my surfing the net, finding the Truckers Pages, I also found a Military Brats Home
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