Internet Link Exchange

Member of the Internet Link Exchange Free Home Pages at GeoCities

For the survivors, those that didn't survive, those that are yet to be found, and their families as a result of September 11, 2001 cowardly act of those that would be our enemy.
"... America, my Home Sweet Home..."

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Terry's Family Home Page

 Well, hello there!  Glad to see you again....come on in and visit!  Please don't mind the mess, I've decided to re-decorate!  I've moved my genealogy pages, so I can dedicate these pages to FUN!!!  Well, some fun anyway!  Didn't want to do too much with animated graphics, or midi's in the genealogy pages.  But, since I have them moved now, and out of danger with my Fun pages.....I can commence to PLAY!

Did some updating:  Many have not understood that the trailer we were living in actually was completely demolished.  So, I've put some pictures up here to show it.


But first......must direct you to my genealogy pages!

Charles Davis Family Tree
The Davis (and allied branches) hailed from Ohio, N.Y., Virginia, N. & S. Carolina, Kentucky, Illinois, Germany, Ireland and Scotland (that we know of) and my Charles's branch settling in Greenville, Mississippi (Washington County)

Teresa Reed Family Tree
 The Reeds (and allied families) are all over the place.  Charleston, Illinois (Coles County), Iowa, Kentucky, Germany, Wales, Scotland, Ireland and England.  I have forgotten a few here, because this family tree is much fuller than my husbands.  I hope this arrangement of the family tree pages will help to change all that!  For both family trees!

One very special group on the Internet is the USGenWeb Projects.....

Click on it, and go see what it's all about!
Now, On with my Fun Pages!  Well, there are a couple that are really pretty special to me, and Charles.  These are the pages I constructed that are in honor of our parents!  For both Charles and I, we had some good parents and want to do them honor! So.....

In Honor of Charles' Parents
 (click on the rose to go there)


In Honor of Terrys' Parents 
(click on the rose to go there)
My Mothers and Grandmothers favorite Poems
I Shall pass through this world but once,
Any good therefore, that I can do, or any
Kindness that I can show
to any Human Being
Let me do it now.
Let me not defer or neglect it,
for I shall not pass this way again.
  Now comes the fun part.  I spent untold aganozing hours doing my Midi page!  With the help of many nice people, Mel Webb, and Sal Grippaldi, just to name two (but what two), I finally got it functional.  I've been so busy in the genealogy pages that I've not been able to get in here and update, fix, and etc.  Maybe, I'll be able to get some done now.  Well....maybe not right away!  Soon???
  Music Maestro ..........
Genealogy Links
Graphics Links

About Us(click the flower)
Coming Soon
The Line up - Our very own
GreatGrand Kids

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Since December 12, 1996