This page is dedicated in memory of Ingrid Newman, a wonderful person and a great friend. All of us at New Dorp High School, especially the friends that were very close to INGRID, will deeply miss her. So this page is a tribute to INGRID and the wonderful person she was. The poems and pictures on this page were contributed by INGRID'S friends. Also, I wish everyone a very happy and healthy new year. Only one more year until the Millenium. Wow!!!


last updated 12/12/98

Please visit page about Ingrid

Between Heaven and Earth,the Sun, the Moon and the Stars, there will never again be an Angel such as you.

Bridget, Sherry, Mary Sarah, Hani, Rene, Sejal, Michelle, Jen, Maria,Tonya, Stacy,Breanne, Melissa, Pauline, Martina, Frank, Dan, Jill, Blaze, DeAnna, Stephen

    From left: Bridget, Jessica, Ingrid, Daviana     Left:Frank,Rene,Blaze,Hani,Ingrid, Jill                  


Monday was a day that showed that life isn't fair

It was the day they took our friend with golden hair

A smile, face, and eyes so sweet

I don't know if anyone else can compete

It seemed at first like it wasn't real

But real is the pain that we all feel

Monday was a day that filled us with dread

For that was the day they took our friend Ingrid.

(By Dan Malik)


From left: Sherry, Bridget, Ingrid

(At a basketball game last year.)


(Letter from Sherry to Ingrid)


Hey...How is it to be in heaven looking down on all of us.

I miss you very very much! You were the best friend that I ever had...without you I feel lonely... you always made me feel good all the time. The times I were upset, mad, or depressed about something you always cheered me up. Thanks for always being there for me... you were my best friend.

Ingrid I never knew that you used to write poems...But i remember when i first met you and started to become close friends. I wrote you a poem in one of our notes. I also remember when you read it and you started to laugh at me and showed Mary my poem. But hey I don't blame you...I know that I can't write poems for my life.

Well here's the poem that I wrote to Ingrid:


Ingrid, Ingrid all the way

Ingrid, Ingrid is all you say

P.S. 1. Best Friends Forever :)

Your best friend Sherry

(AKA B#1)

Heather & INGRID


(By Sherry Habib)

Memories are the best thing

TO keep in touch with a friend

Near, Far, or wherever they are

Memories are the best bond

that will never be broken apart

People leave and people go

But...Memories will stay with you FOREVER!

"One of a Kind"

(By Sherry Habib)

There is no one like you

There is no one that cool

You were so nice

Loving and caring too

There are no other words

To describe you

But before I go

I want you to know


Was "one of a kind."


September 6, 1997


Ingrid & Sherry


"Fly" (Lyrics to a song featured on Celine Dion's CD Falling into You)


Blue Eyes

(By Rene)

Blue Eyes looked upon us.

Blue Eyes never judged us.

Why is she gone? She deserved to live on.

Tears showered the flowers she drew.

Because we love her, & she loved all of you.




Blue, blue, blue as the sky.

Blue, blue, blue as the stars.

Blue, blue, blue as the seas.

Blue, blue, blue as your eyes.

Hani Zion

(Pea Brain)

P.S. We'll always love you.



Ingrid & me (Bridget)

    Ingrid & Sherry                        

(Letter from Bridget to Ingrid)

Dear Ingrid,

I know you're watching all of us from heaven,

so every time I see a blue sky I'll think of you.You were definitely one of a kind...there will never again be an angel such as you. I'll never forget the first time I met you in school. Actually, you sat down and started to talk to me. It was sophmore year and I didn't know anyone. I was so happy to have someone to talk to because I was too shy to talk to anyone but somehow you knew I needed a friend and for that I will be forever greatful. You were truly a great friend. Thanks for all the great memories......I wish I could have got to know you longer.I'll never forget you.I know you're watching all of us from heaven and smiling down upon us all.


(B.F.F.) Love Bridget

P.S.This world has Angels all too

few and Heaven is overflowing.

(There's one less angel in this world.)

postcard INGRID sent me over the summer



Dear Ingrid,

Hey Girl! I hope you're being good up in heaven.

I want to write you this letter to tell you how much i miss you and also how much you'll ALWAYS mean to me. You always cheered me up when I was depressed you made me laugh. We had ALOT of great times. I will always cherish and remember these times always. You taught me to not judge people for their actions. To just accept them for who they are and love them. When I first met you believe it or not I didn't like you that much. I don't know why. I must've been crazy. Because now I know I would've regretted not knowing you. You were such a great friend to me. I know you will always be looking down on me watching over me. I hope that when the day finally comes for me to go to heaven you will be waiting there for me with your arms open.

I love you INGRID and will never, never forget you!


Heather (A.K.A. B #3)

Ingrid & Heather Best Friends Forever!!!


(A letter from DeAnna to Innot in vain and you taught mee set by the beauty of your soul. Love always,DeAnna

My Heart Cries

(By Frank Martinez)

It is said if you cry tears of blood

it's not because your mind or body

cries, it's because deep within you a

pain strikes your heart, so great is this

pain that the heart cries, it cries because

of anguish or sadness, it cries in hopes

to relieve it's pain, it cries until wrong

things have been righted and peace has been

made and then and only then will your heart

be relieved from this pain.


Ingrid & Mary


(A letter from Mary to Ingrid)

Ingrid, you were the sunshine of my life and you will always be my best friend,

and a sister to me. I will always treasure the memories we had together, I love

you and miss you so very much. I will always remember your sweet smile,

your blue eyes, and your blond hair, you're the best in the entire world and

you will never be forgotten. I could always talk to you about anything

or any problems I had. We all love you and miss you, and now you're in heaven.

You are a beautiful angel of God with an everlasting smile.

Best Friends Forever (Sisters)

Ingrid & Mary




INGRID NEWMAN (July 21, 1980-September 29, 1997)

"Strongest Force"

According to some, death is the greatest force But no matter how strong something is there is alwayssomething stronger, of coursethat thing is love and that's without a doubtbecause you get more the more you give outso as long as you keep your loved ones close to your heartstheir memory will never fall apart.

By Dan Malik

                    Visit some Angel Links

Ingrid truly touched all our lives in a special way.We pray that she was embraced by our Lord, and is one of his special Angels in heaven, for she truly was an Angel here on earth.

God Bless & Love you Ingrid



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