Meet my family !!
First, my husband! Bob and I met while still in high school (many years ago). We married the year after graduation and began raising our family. Bob is self-employed as a general contractor and stays very busy year-round. We are parents to these wonderful children:
Our son, Christopher,
is 24 and graduated from The University of Illinois
with a degree in Engineering Mechanics in 1997. In 1998 he began working for a large construction company near Chicago. His official
job title there was Project Engineer.
Then in April 2000, he transferred within the company to Dallas, TX. This gives us an opportunity to travel a little more, but we sure do miss not having him within an easy driving distance. This is Christopher!!
Our daughter, Katy is almost 17 and is just finishing her junior year in High School, which is unbelievable to me! Katy has kept us on our toes, we just never are quite sure what to expect next from her! She has an artistic, creative side and a very colorful personality which she has expressed through her hair! Below are the different looks of Katy!

Katy is quite a computer buff and has learned all kinds
of stuff here on the Internet - in fact, it is only through TONS
of help and unfailing patience from her that this page is actually here!!
One of Katy's main interests is playing the guitar. She started during her freshman year of high school, playing bass guitar in a local band, called SeditioN. After over 2 years together, the band is still going strong. In June they are hoping to do some recording at a studio!Also, this summer Katy will become a world traveler. She has been selected as a Student Ambassador with the People to People program and will travel to Austalia and New Zealand with a group of area teens. They will spend over 3 weeks overseas, learning all about the cultures of the two countries. Needless to say, she is getting very excited about the upcoming trip - she leaves on June 18th!
... PS ... you can find out more about Katy on her impressive homepage - the link is on my home page.
Our household also includes one very large cat, Spooky
. He is our "baby" now that our kids are past that stage ...
well, okay ... it's more like he's MY baby
... LOL ... my husband really doesn't claim him!! .. *laughing*
I plan to add more pictures of my family as I get them scanned, so please remember to check back occasionally!
And .. don't forget .. please sign my guestbook!! 