Here is a perfect example of how Satan can turn Scripture and inspired writings for his work. As in 2 Thessalonians 2:11, God said that He would send STRONG delusions that the wicked would believe a lie. The old covenant of death was of course the sacrificial law which was completed on Calvery with the Lamb of God, not the commandments as this group would lead you to believe. The sacrificial law was given to the Israelites ( after God had given the commandments written by His finger on tablets of stone, Exodus 20) by Moses written by his hand in a book as a foreshadow of the sacrifice that Jesus would make for the sins of the world, yours and mine.
The 10 Commandments are still God's law on human conduct and are the love of Christ, John 14:15. We know God only by keeping His law and those that don't, but claim to know God are liars, 1 John 2:3,4. As is stated in the Sermon on the Mount, Matt. 5:17,18, Jesus did not remove the Law but fulfilled it. Paul warns that many will perish without law and only the doers of the law will be justified, Romans 2:12,13. Is the law void through faith? NO, Romans 3:31. So we see that Satan is just telling another lie. He tried to change the law through the Catholic church in the worship of a false Sabbath and now he is trying to remove the law through a false justification. As for the "quotes" from Ellen G. White, go to Ellen G. White writings and read for yourself. She was surprised in her day at what people said she had written but the records are clear.
Study to show yourself approved, 2 Timothy 2:15, and do not be sway in faith to each wind of doctrine, Eph. 4:14,15, but hold steadfast to the truth. Some say the Bible is a mystery, but there is only one mystery, BABYLON, Revelation 17:5.
Mark Martin claims to know the believes of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, but he is either lying or he was not trained in the Bible and church doctrine at all. What he states to be Seventh-Day Adventist doctrine is not in the Bible, the church manual or even Mrs. White's writings. He has been mislead on our believes and our doctrines. Click on any of the highlighted text and read for yourself. We believe the open, honest answers will show the truth.
He claims that Seventh-Day Adventists are the Antichrist, but Satan lead the Jews to falsely accuse Jesus of being Beelzebub (Prince of the devils): Matthew 12:24, Mark 3:22 and Luke 11:15. Jesus replied in the verses that followed to show them their own foolishness. Revelation 12:17 points out clearly at the end time that a remnant of the original Christian church does exist and has TWO identifying characteristics: keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus. Revelation 19:10 states that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. Only one church, the true remnant can claim both of these signs of identification. We pray that you are not fooled by Satan's tricks. As Jesus' messengers to the world, we continue to prayer that the Holy Spirit will lead Mr. Martin to the truth and he stop this Satanic attack on God's people!