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From Alaska!!

Welcome to:

The Spence Family Homepage

Brittni's 5th Birthday Party
June 13th, 1999

Joey's Birthday Party
@Cope Park
June 12th, 1999

Jimmy and Kristie's Wedding
May 29th, 1999

New pics off our digital camera...

Meet our Family!
November 1998

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Eskimo Queen/ Rachel, Darren and Joey /June 19, 1999


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Wishing you and your family
A Happy and Safe Summer!

Darren, Rachel, and Joey live in Juneau, Alaska.

Darren works for the Library as a Network Technician for the State of Alaska. He is also attending college part time. He likes to play around with programming and is learning Windows95 and some of the programs that go with it.... ... If you have any neat tips, feel free to email him....

Rachel The State of Alaska as a Stats Clerk for the Department of Labor ;) She just went Permenant in March. She also works for NOAA Fisheries on call when she is needed.
She also is into crafts, cooking, the internet, chatting @
MomsOnline where she is a volunteer chat host, posting on the MomsOnline message boards, getting to know new people!, desk top publishing, and Geneology (she is working with Ardath Buckaway from Canada in researching the BOKOVOY name. I am having a blast seeing what all Ardath has come up with and how we tie in together!!) among other things.

My Grandma Irene has a lot of neat memories and has helped both Ardath and I come up with a lot of information! Click here to check out our Bokovoy/Hosford family tree

It is linked to the FTM page ;) FTM 6.0, Family Tree Maker ) The best program out there for working on your family tree!!! Check out my page ;) (click here) We have a huge family reunion coming up the weekend of Aug 14th in Minot, North Dakota!

Joey is a 8 year old who wil be in third grade (starting Aug 26th) at Gastineau Elementary School in Douglas, Alaska and hopefully will be with his pal Andrew and (friend from Kindergarten)!
Joey has traveled a lot with Grandma Sue and Auntie Heather... He is going to North Dakota on 8/13/98 for 2 weeks to meet extended family (the Bokovoy line). Rachel sure wishes she could go!!
Joey's pals this summer are Kyle, Jeffrey and Zack. They play Planet Beast Wars (hmmm some new toy).

This summer we will be going to Seattle, Washington and Phoenix, AZ. We cant wait!!!! We will be meeting family members from the Erickson side of the family in Seattle and then we will go see Darren's dad in Phoenix.

Check out some of my friend's sites Click here,

My mommy friends pages Some great pages here!!

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