
This is a second try at a HomePage hope it goes better than the first.

Here are some thoughts that I wanted to get down on paper.


We make them every day of our lives, Some are good, some are bad. But none of them are wrong, Because at the time they are what we think is best. When they turn out good we are proud that we made them, and when they turn out bad we have to live with them. But life goes on regardless of what choices we make. And so must we. Because any other choice is a bad one.


We each live life in our own way. Some are joyful and some are sad. Some are noise and some are quiet, But all should be the way we want, Not how someone else thinks we should live them.


How to describe a friend. Now that is a hard task for anyone. Is it the person you do things with, Is it the one you tell things to, Is it the one you fell safe with, Is it he one that you can come to with problems, It seems to me that it is all of the above and much more. Because friends are there when you need them.

Who am I

Am I the person that I see in the mirror. Or am I the person my friends see when they look at me. Or the person my enemies see. Or is it the person people see walking down the street. It is none of these ,yet it all of them. Because each day I change, because of the people I meet, the things that I do, and the things that happen to me. In change there is hope, for a better me and a better world.


They are something we use to tell people how we feel, But have you ever noticed that we tend to use them in the wrong way. When we are in a good mood, we use them to tease others. When we are in a bad mood, we use them to put others into that mood. When we are happy, we use words up at an alarming rate and still not say anything. When we are sad, we do not seem to have the words to express ourselves with. We always seem to say the wrong thing at the wrong time for us , Or the right thing at the wrong time for someone else, But that is why there are so many words to use to say something, Which in the end means that most of what we say is said just to be said, And not as we mean it to be said, So the words that we need to learn to say are few, But they carry a very big meaning for most people, And these words are easy to use ,it is just strange that people find them so hard to use. THANK YOU-----I AM SORRY---PLEASE----HELLO----GOODBYE These words can make some ones day much brighter and in turn brighten your own.


My name is Randy, I am a 51 year old male and living in the state of Pennsylvania about fifty miles northeast of Pittsburgh. Some of my interest are reading (westerns, sci-fi and myteries), watching movies and tv,shooting(trap, target, and some hunting), camping, riding my quad,and partying with my friends. And playing with the computer must not forget that.

Here is a picture of me, it is not the best , but it is me.

This page is being improved as I find out how to do different things,so please come back and check it out in the future.

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