Mevo Ha'Talmud

Mevo Ha'Talmud


Rabbi Yisrael Porath

A popular presentation in simple language, and in chronological order, of all talmudical contents, with a digest of the background, the different opinions, the arguments, and the final decisions reached in each halacha contained in the talmud, and in accordance with the authentic interpretations of ancient and authoritative commentators.

The present volumes of the Mevo Ha'Talmud are being published at the request of our venerable father and grandfather, the late Rabbi Yisrael Porath, of blessed memory, who wished that it be so done as a memorial for his wife of sixty-nine years, our dear mother and grandmother, Peshe Miriam Porath, of blessed memory.

Rabbi Yisrael Porath passed away nineteen weeks after the death of his wife. They were laid to rest, side by side, in the holy city of Jerusalem, where father was a fourth generation native. It was there that met and married. Peshe Miriam was the sister of the late Rabbi David Tiktin, dean of Yeshivat Etz Hayim in Jerusalem. The Tiktins could trace their Yichus to 16 generations of Rabbis.

Peshe Miriam passed away on the 11th day of Kislev, 5633, corresponding to the 3rd day of December, 1973.

Rabbi Yisrael passed away on the 6th day of Pessach, the 20th of Nissan, 5634, corresponding to the 12th day of April, 1974.

Rabbi Yisrael has designated his sister Miriam's son, Rabbi Dov Mayer Eisenstein to edit, review and prepare the new edition. And we are grateful to the Hebrew Theological College in Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. and to Rabbi Irving Rosenbaum, for undertaking the holy work of distributing this volume.

There are seven volumes of the Mevo Ha'Talmud. Their acceptance in the academic world has been phenominal. They are no longer available. Requests have been made by prominent scholars and Yeshivot for their reprints. We, the children and grandchildren of Rabbi Israel Porath, feel it a privilege to be executing the will of our great father.

For more information, contact Gerald Porath

Porath Family Home Page
Porath Family Tree
Tiktin Family Tree
Porath Family Addresses
Dates to Remember
Dates to Remember - Hebrew Calander
For Those Who Have Passed On