They Said It Couldn't Be Done
Mary-Julia was first diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder when she was in the
fourth grade. The summer prior to the eighth grade, her doctors told
her she had grown out of this condition--"cured" of the disorder that
she had spent years taking medication and altering her life to allow
herself to adapt to the world around her.
Mary-Julia continued to struggle in school but it wasn't until she almost
flunked out of college that it was discovered that she was still
dealing with Attention Deficit Disorder.
From the moment the words, "You still have ADD" were uttered, doctors,
teachers, and friends said the hurdles, such as college, career,
relationships, and substance abuse, would all be too difficult to
overcome. With disbelief in these theories, this determined young woman proved
that not only can it be done but Attention Deficit Disorder can be
an ADDed Dimension to an individual's life.
Ms. Stephens has spent the past two years traveling the nation sharing her
experiences with ADD to many support groups, hospitals, church
groups, youth agency volunteers, teacher assemblies, civic groups,
and special education children. Her experiences with Attention
Deficit Disorder will be featured in the video "They Said It Couldn't
Be Done!" set to be released in 1997.
Mary-Julia holds a Bachelor of Science in recreation from
Jacksonville State
University and is currently employed with
Louisiana State University.
She currently resides in Baton Rouge with dogs, Beethoven and Copper.

Mary-Julia's Homepage