Look What Others Have Said!

Look What Others Have Said!

"Mary-Julia is an enthusiastic speaker and I loved that my child could meet someone who goes through what he does!"

Mrs. Strong, Cullman, Alabama

"Stephens presentation is courageous, thoughtful, and knowledgable."

Arkansas Women's Journal, Little Rock, Arkansas

"Way to go, M.J.! Please come back next year! We really enjoyed it!"

Mr. Aldridge, Louisville, Kentucky

"I've had many compliments about Mary-Julia's sharing at our ChADD meeting. I don't think Mary-Julia will ever know how many people she helps by just sharing her story with others.

Mrs. Suit, Middle Georgia ChADD

"I laughed till I cried! A good learning experience from a great lady!"

Ms. Crawford, Springfield, Missiouri

"I am a teacher and parent of an ADHD child. I found Ms. Stephens to have a great head on her shoulders, good sense of humor, and a fantastic message for us all to learn from."

Mrs. Wittekind, Omaha, Nebraska

"M.J. Stephens is to ADD what Richard Simmons is to weight loss!"

Dr. Hammond, University of Arkansas at Little Rock

"Out of the entire conference, this was the most powerful. I only wish every parent, child, and teacher could hear Mary-Julia speak."

Mr. Jenson, Pensacola, Florida

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