Some Really Great Sites!

Some Really Great Sites!

The following sites are some that really have nothing to do with Attention Deficit Disorder but are some of Mary-Julia's favorites we thought we would include. If you have a site you think we should add, please email us and we'll be sure to check it out!

The Girl Scouts of the USA --Mary-Julia credits this organization with giving her the balance in her life when her academic life was not the greatest. After college, Mary-Julia went on to work for the organization professionally.

Jacksonville State University --Go Gamecocks! Mary-Julia's alma mater. This is also where Mary-Julia learned that she still had Attention Deficit Disorder after doctors had informed her otherwise years before. While at Jax State, Mary-Julia was a member of the Marching Southerners. She was apart of the Communication Department and the Recreation Department.

99 WAYS! --We bet you didn't know that Mary-Julia worked her way through college as a radio disc jockey! "M.J. the D.J. on 99WAYS" were pretty much inseperatable during 1990-91. She has great memories of working on the air and this is a really nice site to visit! Say "hi!" to Bill Elder for us if you visit!

Louisiana State University --Geaux Tigers! Of course, this is where Mary-Julia is presently employed and loves every second of it! She is the Recreation Manager for the LSU Union Tiger Pause and has been working on the renovation and upgrading of the facility since she arrived in April. When she's not speaking to a group, you'll find her traveling with the new LSU Bowling Team that her facility sponsors! Her Tiger Pause site will be hitting the web soon!

The Disney Store --Never take Mary-Julia to a mall with this store in it because she will not leave! Mary-Julia has been a Disney fan since she "was in diapers" she says. In fact, her close friends call her "Mickey" for her love of Mickey Mouse. And just for the record, Mary-Julia has a Mickey Mouse kitchen, bathroom, and office at LSU!

The Colorado Silver Bullets--Mary-Julia's favorite baseball team! She has every program and baseball card of this all-female baseball team since they began. Every season you'll see her at several of the games. We're not sure how she does it but she always gets front row seats at each game she attends! The Silver Bullets are coached by Atlanta Braves great pitcher, Phil Niekro and have been playing minor league (mens) baseball teams for the past three years.

The American Basketball League --Mary-Julia told us right after seeing our first Silver Bullets game that basketball would be coming next and here it is! This is great site not only tells you about the new women's league but it also tells you player stats, bios, and has all the apparel you could ever want!

LPGA--The one game Mary-Julia can't play but loves to watch! She enjoys keeping up with her favorite golfers, Alice Ritzman and Michelle McGann.

The Rosie O'Donnell Show--If you haven't caught this show, you must be living under a rock or something! This is the greatest show on television right now which Mary-Julia records everyday just to see what's "taped to the desk!"

The Facts Of Life --Mary-Julia's favorite television show of all time. Need we say more?

Mitsubishi Eclipse--this was Mary-Julia's car. We say "was" because she just sold it and is so distraught that every time she sees one she just sighs. (The '97s coming out aren't helping much either!)

Virtual AIDS Quilt are two of Mary-Julia's favorite sites to visit. We must not stop until we find a cure!

PetsMart--"Any store that will let me bring my dogs in to shop has got my business!" is what Mary-Julia always says about this store! It really is a fun place to bring your pet to try out that new doggie bed or leash to make sure they fit! This is also a great net site!

Successories--It doesn't matter what form of business you're in, if you haven't visited a Successories shop or gotten their catalog, you must do so ASAP! This is a great company with great motivational materials in it! Go check them out!

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