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The Moore Family Homepage

This page is dedicated to the proposition that all families are created for love, fun and fellowship. Our family members are shown to the left. To learn more about us just click on each image and a description will appear in the center main frame. We live in the wonderful state of OHIO! Mary is a Suzuki piano teacher and home schooler, Rick is a business analyst/consultant (aren't we all!), Elise is a high schooler, Erin is a middle schooler and Elizabeth is a 5th grader. We have a dog named Sundance and three cats named Valentine, Prince and Cloudy. This page is an experiment...so will be under constant construction or neglected entirely. The girls may have sites on their pages, so go and try them out! For the best viewing you should be using Microsoft IE 3.0 or Netscape 3.0, but I will make every effort possibe to make it readable by other browsers.

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Rick Moore

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