On the Crisis in The Church:
Romano Amerio,
Iota Unum, trans. Fr. Parsons,
Sarto House, 1997,
ISBN#0-9639032-1-7, 786 pgs, ppk:
A study of the unwarranted changes made early on
in setting up Vatican II, of the problems as it
was held, and on some of the teachings
which were falsely promulgated in the name
of Vatican II, from a well respected professor
who was himself a periti at the council.
A detailed historical account.
Mgr. Klaus Gamber,
The Reform of the Roman Liturgy, trans. Klaus Grimm,
Una Voce Press, 1993,
ISBN#0-912141-05-0, 198 pgs, ppk:
Study of the new liturgy, the Novus Ordo, with comments
on facing the congregation, the Pope's limits in changing The Mass,
comparison of The Latin Mass with Novus Ordo, and a consideration
of the consecration, itself, in the Novus Ordo - and more.
Ralph M. Wiltgen,
The Rhine Flows into the Tiber,
TAN, 1967, ppk:
Have not read, myself, but is apparently another examination
of the problems with Vatican II, histories of some of the main
characters involved, and so on, emphasizing the role of the
unorthodox German bishops.
Mgr. Michael Wrenn,
Catechisms and Controversies,
Ignatius Press, 1991,
ISBN#0-089870-371-9, 237 pgs, ppk:
Study of systematic problems in catechesis, and the relatively new
RCIA programs, not to mention CCD, from the 70s through
the 1980s. Predates the new catechism.
Anne Roche-Muggeridge,
The Desolate City, HarperCollins, 1990, ISBN#0-06-066046-5, 265 pgs, ppk (out of print):
On the general crisis in The Church, tracing the history back
before Vatican II, and following it up to the present.
[Try here for new old stock]
Dietrich von Hildebrand,
Trojan Horse in the City of God,
Sophia Institute, 1993,
ISBN#0-918477-18-2, 303 pgs, hb:
Reprint of this influential book from the late 1960s,
less a history than a general and scholarly criticism
of the ideas embodied in the 'spirit of Vatican II', and elsewhere,
from the highly respected philosopher.
Dietrich von Hildebrand,
The Charitable Anathema,
Roman Catholic Books, 1993,
ISBN#0-912141-07-7, 205 pgs, hb:
A collection of essays, some from late in his life,
as his opposition to the Novus Ordo and various other
changes in The Church became even sharper.
Contains, among all the interesting essays, one called -
The Case for the Latin Mass.
James Demers,
The Last Roman Catholic?,
Creative Bound, 1992,
ISBN#0-921165-17-X, 198 pgs, ppk (out of print):
Rather heart-rending tale of the betrayal of Canadian
Catholics by their own national hierarchy just carrying
out the 'spirit of Vatican II'.
[Try here for new old stock]
Michael Davies,
Mass Facing the People,
Neumann Press, 1991,
ISBN#0-911845-25-9, 43 pgs, ppk:
Monograph on various abuses wrought in the Novus
Ordo, as well as on turning the altar about, and
includes reference to the infamous quote from the 'reformer',
Gelineau, about The Mass as we knew it being destroyed.