I am going to write a book. Everything I Needed to Know about Homeschooling I
We are in our eleventh year of 'academic' homeschooling (I actually believe we home
The spring of that first year had our son (then 6) attempting to ride a bike. Caleb's
Our second child, while more 'academically' aggressive, was timid of things physically
So why am I sharing this? Because you don't become a veteran home schooler without
By the way, by the time child three and four came along, bike riding was a breeze. We
E-mail Mark & Alice
© 1997 lche@rocketmail.com
Learned while Teaching my Children to Ride a Bike. Our family loves bike riding and
we've just launched our fourth onto her own set of two wheels. It has been a decade of
learning experiences.
school from birth--but I am referring to the 'official, book-learning, sit down at the table,
get your school work done' homeschooling). I am not today what I was 11 years ago.
Back then, I was a drill sargeant (ok, so I'm still a drill sargeant--I'm just a relaxed drill
sargeant), we had to finish the books, read and spell at 5, and let's not forget grammar and
writing and science and history and...alot of law and little grace. I even had them raise
their hands! The problem was that our 5 year old did not have the same internal clock and
agenda as I.
fearlessness matched his desire. We had been given a 24" bike. So we placed that little
fellow on that seat and watched him go--or rather fall and fall and fall (his feet couldn't
even reach the ground). I remember standing in our yard watching him and having the
thought, "You know, he's going to learn to ride that bike, but what shape (physically) is he
going to be in when he does?" That thought was immediately followed by "One of these
days he's going to learn to read too, but what shape (emotionally) will he be in then?" I
made the connection that sometimes we try to give our children a task much too big for
them to succeed. That day we packed the bigger bike away and pulled out a smaller bike.
That day I began a journey. Two more years would follow before I really understood
where that journey would lead.
challenging, including bikes with training wheels. Unfortunately, I had listened to counsel
that advised a firmer hand with her and her fears. That too came to a moment of
realization through our biking experiences. Without exposing too many of the grizzly
details, let me summize it in saying, "You do not help a child conquer their fears or
inadequacies through harsh discipline or rebuke." Our children have fears and
inadequacies, they need us to come alongside and bear them up.
many failings and times of utter defeat. There have been times over these eleven years
that I have wanted to give up, that I didn't believe I had what it took, that I questioned
why I was doing this and wondered if it would really make a difference. I continued
because I had someone encouraging me, even when I made the mistakes. I am convinced
the greatest disservice we can do to each other is to act as if we have our act together and
have never made a mistake. Scripture calls us to "...encourage one another and build each
other up..." (1Thess. 5:11). We need honest encouragement and to know we are not the
only ones making mistakes.
have it down now. You whet their appetite for the activity (plenty of family bike rides or
reading or whatever), wait till they are ready and then encourage and praise every effort.
So let me encourage you to have a good day, go ride a bike!!
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