The McCracken County Support Group Leaders are: Nora and Priscilla
Our regular Support Group Meetings are held at:
Special Notices & Information:
BARKLEY REGIONAL AIRPORT - To be rescheduled for October 10 or 17. We will meet in the
NINA TOUR - Friday, October 3, 2:PM, Paducah Riverfront. Contact Priscilla by 10/1.
RIVERFRONT NURSING HOME VISITATION - First Friday of every month at 3:00PM. Next visits
PIZZA INN TOUR - Thursday, October 31; 9:00AM. Register with Melanie by 10/17, space limited.
SUPPORT GROUP MEETING -Tuesday, November 11. 6:00PM for fellowship; meeting starts at
Have questions or need further information? E-MAIL NORA OR PRISCILLA
The Paducah Public Library
on the second Teusday of each month; at 6:30PM
pay parking lot area and then go on a tour of the facilities. Contact - Melanie.
are October 3 and November 7. Contact - Priscilla.
Cost - $2.00/child.
6:30PM at Paducah Public Library.
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