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Welcome to the Red Bank Charter School Association's Web Site

"August 23rd, 1999: Red Bank Charter School starts 2nd year of operation with Community Picnic.
Students and Families meet the new Principal and Faculty."

"January 29th, 1999: Charter School Students complete 2nd Marking Period"

"January 27th, 1998: Appeal Hearing held for 1997-98 Charter Revocation"

"January 21st, 1998: New Charter Approved by Commissioner of Education for 1998-99 School Year"

"March 26, 1997: State Board of Education revokes Charter School Approval with 6-5 vote."

"Theme from Peanuts"


The Red Bank Charter School Association is a group of parents, educators, and community leaders who have come together to facilitate an alternative form of education for the children of the community who would attend the 4th to 8th grades.

The Association initiated the process by filing an application to the "Commissioner of Education" for approval that would grant a "Charter" for the "Red Bank Charter School" and this Web Site was created to provide a communication and educational tool to keep association members, community members, and interested individuals abreast of the charter school's progress.

In addition to providing local information regarding the groups progress, we will also provide links to other Charter School, educational, and reference sites currently on the World Wide Web that may be of interest to anyone who may visit this Web Site. In doing so the Association will endeavor to keep the information posted on this site, updated, and as timely as is humanly possible.

Currently if you would like to contact or correspond with the Red Bank Charter School.
"Please contact the association via the address and/or phone number listed below."


PO BOX 8331, RED BANK, N.J. 07701
Voice Mailbox: 732-450-9799

The Red Bank Charter School is located in the:

Education Wing of Trinity Episcopal Church
65 West Front Street
Red Bank, New Jersey 07701
Phone: 732-450-2092
Fax: 732-450-2093

Visit the Charter Schools new Web Site

Click for Red Bank, New Jersey Forecast

See what the Fourth Grade has been doing!

Visit the Web Sites below

Our Mission Statement Imagine the Red Bank Charter School 1997 Charter School Application
Educational Excellence Network CSU Institute
Education Reform Southwest Regional Labratory Education Reform Index

United States Charter Schools

New Jersey State Department of Education

New Jersey School Data - Report Cards for Red Bank Schools

Parent Soup Family Education Network
NJ Online's Schoolhouse Net Day National
Welcome to In Jersey Welcome to New Jersey OnLine


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"This Web Site was created on November 15th, 1996"

This Site last updated at 2155 on July 14th, 2001.

"Help Find these Children"

"To find out more about the missing children. Click on the child's face."

As of the above update, all links are active. Please note that on any given day or time the "Server" providing the above listed sites may be off-line and you may be unable to access their site. Every effort will be made to insure that all links are active, but in the event that a site becomes hard to access due to excessive down-time. It will be removed and another site placed in it's location.

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