I keep coming up with the Phrase, "I knew that, but I didn't know I knew that" when it comes to working on Computers. Why just this noon (7 Dec 96) while eating lunch I figured another way to "Click and Drag My Relatives and Friends into the 21st Century" with me and send out my Christmas Letter, too. This is great because I haven't even started my letter. But the neat thing is that I don't have to have it completed in order to send out my Christmas Cards. I just emailed 70 Christmas (Post) Cards this afternoon and only six of them were people I had mailed cards to last year. It took me only 22 minutes, but there are a couple of problems for those who received the cards. They have to go and get the Christmas Cards, so I really haven't bothered them if they don't want to do it.And after that I figured out how to notify those of you who do not have access to a computer. I'll just mail you a copy of the Christmas (post) Card and you can read this and pursue looking it up on a computer. For those of you who really don't want to bother, it doesn't matter anyway. So I'll start on the 10th to complete my "Annual Christmas Booklet". If you really can't get on the computer and really want to see my annual christmas booklet then the old standbye of a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope is always available.
So now I have hard part out of the way. My Christmas Cards are out and now I can relax while writing the episle.