Questions for Erika to Pass Along

I looked at the "", but couldn't figure out who to pass these questions along to so would you please route them to the correct areas? Thanks (If you want to get these in writing, then go to my homepage at Heartland/Plains/1677 and click on "Erika").

1. What happened to "North Pole"? When you delete something like this I think you should put a notice in your semi-weekly report so that we can correct our homepages.

2. What happened to the Video Camera at Hollywood and Vine? If you have stopped it, then should put notice in semi-weekly report please.

3. I don't understand the EZ-upload where it shows that you can upload five files, but has a place where you can click on uploading up to 30 files. What is the purpose of this up to 30 file pull down window?

4. What were the results of the meeting Geocities held on 16 Apr 97 where you invited geocitizens to visit your office for a meeting and gave them lunch and $40.00? I'll be in Los Angeles the week of 13-17 Oct 97 if you are going to hold another one of those meetings on Wednesday, 15 Oct, I would like to attend.

5. I've been meaning to send this to you for a number of months now, but the present of hurricane erika has prompted me to finally send this to you. I've included some info on hurricane Erika from the newspaper here where info on hurricanes is front page news. We didn't have any activity during August which is unusuable since that is the middle of the hurricane season which runs from 1 Jun until 30 November.

6. I guess I will snail mail this today and I can add to this info on my homepage if I think of anything else...8 Sep 97.


7. Added 9 Sep 97: I forgot to mention that the names of hurricanes repeats every six years unless they become a major hurricane; i.e. Hurricane names Andrew and Hugo will not be used again. But Erika was used in 1991 and will be used again in 2004 since it wasn't a major hurricane this year. And the names alternate between a boy's name and a girl's name. They used to be all girl's names...Matt

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