Updated 3 March 2009
28Aug 2002=Matt=6525, 10 Mar 2003=Matt=6642, 24Sep03=Matt=8730. 2
[This is My Geocities Homepage and was twelve years old on 23 Feb 2008.]
Click here for 1999 Christmas info
Send me email at:
Please click on my picture
and send me the number you see on the counter
along with your City and State or your City and Country. Thank you.
Erika 8
Matt's 5 May 97 Space-A Trip (25 MAY 97)
Please click on my picture
send me the number you see on the counter along with your City and State or
your City and Country. Thank you.
The Click and Drag Club Members
Here I am retired and very relaxed
in a rocking chair. This is a picture of me, and I'm aboard the
MATT PACHOSA - "Mississippi Queen" somewhere on the Mississippi River with a "mint-julip" in one hand and a
"bloody-mary in the other and I don't even drink.
This will all be links so you can look at them if you want to ---
1. For my Story for 1996
Later that afternoon I added a picture of Randy and Monica that
Monica and Randy
"Click Here" for a picture of Erika and
Her Gang in front of the GeoCities Christmas Tree.
Not 3-D, Just an Optical
2. For my Vacation Trip to Rome-Athens during 16-31 May 96 Click Here
3. For my Vacation Trip to California during Oct 96 "Click Here".
4. For my Comments Upon returning from Washington State in November
Click Here
5. For my 1996 Air Miles Traveled and Grand Total
Click Here
(This is equal to almost 36 Times Around the World)
For those of you viewing this homepage on SCFN you can only view
the graphics if you use a carrier such as America Online, Compuserve,
Prodigy, or any other carrier and then go to Matt's New Homepage
For those of you who want to start learning how to start editing
your Homepages
Click Here
and then go to Number 11 in column one.
Try These Other Homepages
It's Fun doing Hompages. I started on Monica and Randys'
early Sunday Morning, 6 Oct 96, and by wakeup time I had it
with an active counter and two pictures on it. Anybody in the
can view any Homepage if they know how to do it - That's the
just taken Saturday morning. So have fun viewing these
Nephew Dean's
Kevin's Homepage
High School
Bev and Bill's
Charley's Webpage
The M & M's
Grand Coulee Dam's
Charlie Hubbard's
Some Very Interesting Links
* * * * * * * * *
Try number three above and send me an electronic postcard.
* * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * *
Your Wish is my Command!
View my 3-D pages below...
(Click on Number 5 Below)
(Unfortunately not all the "links" are here so you have to use
the "back arrow" in the Toolbar to get back to my main page)
And Now Matt's 3-D Picture Page
Links to other sites on the Web
1. Social. Security Administration
2. The Site
3. Sony TV & Movies
4. Milk Moustaches
5. Fine People
6. Find Email Addresses
8. Shannon's Homepage and Email
9. Dave's Homepage and Email
10. Geiger's Homepage and Email
11. Jim' Homepage and Email
12. Ben's Homepage and Email
13. Eselby's Homepage
and Email
14. Angela's and Email
15. Tom Kelley's and Email
16. Chris" and Email
17. John's Homepage" and Email
18. Camille's Homepage and Email
19. Bill Tarvis' Homepage and Email
20. Scott's Homepage and
21. Bob Halk's Homepage
22. Dr Fun's Homepage and
* * * * * *
Some House Puzzle Home Pages
Grand Coulee High School Email Club
Eddie 54
ShirkHomepage and
Matt55 Pachosa Email
Address is: sfevb@scfn.thpl.lib.fl.us and pachosa@hotmail.com
(See below)
Bob 55 Halk Email
address is: bobhalk@calweb.com
Eleanor 55 McClain's Daughter's
Email address is: leo@gconn.com
Ray 56 Mudd's Email address
is: raymudd@xroads.com
Gary 56 Wert's Email
Address is jwert@stanwiley.com
Judy 56 Riggle's Daughter's Email Address is:
Ron 56 Kerby's Email Address is: mekerb@televar.com
* * * * * * * * *
GCHS Alumni Info
None at this time....
* * * * * * * * *
I've been real buzy working on a class for the Suncoast FreeNet.
* * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * *
Charts by
Ann S. Thesia
* * * * * * * * *
In one of the past Newsletters Erika said that they were going to
include pictures of all the Geocities Staff. Well here are 3-D
Pictures of two of their staff (Just cross your eyes until you
see three pictures and the one in the middle will be in 3-D.
MIKE @ GeoCities
Here is a 3-D Picture of my
Dad Metz on his 92nd Birthday, 1 Nov 96.
Dad's 92nd Birthday
Feb 97
Metz II
Metz and Ann