Zack is currently on
tour in England with his adoptive parents, Kim & John. He is writing and sending me letters now. What a cool kid!!
I have truly been blessed with this adoption experience. I was on welfare with a child already when I relinquished Zack. I wasn't able to take care of him the way I wanted to. Kim and John saved this child.
Kim and I spent a lot of time together while I was pregnant. I feel that we have become friends. I asked her to be with me when I delivered Zack....and she was. She gave me a wonderful gift and I returned that gift. When she held my son in the delivery room she was glowing. She handed Zack to me hugged me and kissed me and said, "No matter what, you will always be his mom."
When I went to court and relinquished Zack she had a gift for me waiting with the social worker. They had noticed while visiting my apartment that I collect ceramic masks. She had gotten me one to help me get through this. It had a note thanking me for the wonderful gift that I had given them.
Since that day there have been many exchanges between us. We write each other freely. They always have my address and I theirs. John has made videos of my son to send me. I cherish them. They allow me to send him anything I want. I send him Christmas presents and letters. I have a photo album of just him and keepsakes from his birth. Kim and John filled out a baby book for me. I love it more than anything.
The harsh truth is adoption isn't always this pleasing. I may have the perfect adoption going with my birthson....but I don't have the warm fuzzies from being adopted. It is so important that we take the adoption system and turn it completely over. We need to make adoptions more like it is with Zack. We need to stop the lying, the secrets, and the many pains that go with it hand in hand. We need to open records for the mental and physical health of birthmothers and adoptees everywhere. We need to make adoption open for the future health and happiness of our future children.
Please take time to think about this. Take the time to visit some sites in the adoption ring on my adoption page. Read these pages and think about adoption and the affects that it has on people. When you have done that maybe you will be one more person to stand up and fight for adoptees rights and the rights of our birthmothers. Maybe someday birthmothers will be able to get newly found medical information to their children. Maybe adoptees will have access to their files and find out their history.
Jen's Adoption Page
Jen's ADD/ODD Page
Jen's AOL Page
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