These are the last days and Jesus is coming back real soon. Revelation teaches that the Church will be gathered up before the Great Tribulation begins. Check out my cool Eschatology page. I Think you will agree.
Do all religions lead to God? Is there really only one way to God? Jesus Christ said He was the only way. Find out what the cults and other religions teach on my religion page. You will find this one interesting!
Life has lost it's sanctity because abortion has become the law of the land. God created each and every one of us with a specific purpose in mind. However, Planned Parenthood has a hidden agenda to force upon the entire world. Find out more on my Pro life page.
Modern Feminism has misrepresented the Bible and Christianity to Millions through made for television documentaries and has made the claims of scripture into what they refer to as 'a male dominated patriarchal religion'. Therefore, I took it upon myself to write an honest response to their claims that the Bible 'crucifies' the woman. Read all about it on my Open letter to the Feminist. Also read my response to NOW's criticism of Promise Keepers on my Purpose of a Promise Keeper page.
The purpose of the Ten Commandments is to (among showing us our sinfulness) is to provide the Divine set of standards. In other words, they are not the Ten suggestions. However, Liberal thought has effectively transformed American culture into one which is based upon individual and radical interpretations, as well as liberties. Therefore, I offer my parody called The Twenty Commandments of Liberalism, which is in no way intended to insult God's divine statute. It is offered to expose the fruits of Liberalism we are now beginning to reap in our culture in an entertaining way.
Many times these days, people are confused about their walk of faith. There are a number of false teachings that have crept in during the years that the status quo generally accepts as truth. This has been especially true in the past 40 years, as some of the mainline denominations have partially fallen away. I have prepared a tract to straighten these things out, but now I offer it here. Check out the 25 Myths about Christianity.
Many Christians do not know how to respond to the 'gay Christian movement' in America. Homosexuals are 'coming out of the closet' and forcing Christians into the closet. All too often, Christians who mean well are apologizing to the homosexual activists. Find out how to respond to them in my Witnessing to homosexuals article.
Many scholars and pastors are denying the deity of Christ, some seminaries deny His resurrection, and the Skeptic scholars are teaching that Jesus never existed at all. However, there is strong biblical and secular evidence that Jesus not only existed, but is who He claimed to be and did what the scriptures said He did. Not only that but countless individuals throughout the ages stand as shining examples of the transforming power of Christ. It's all in The historical proof of Christ's existence.
The white ribbon is for
the preservation of family values.