1. Edward TRUSLER was born about 1700 in England possibly in West Cowles, Isle of Wight where at least one of his children was born. Edward died Jun 1761 in Charlestown, Berkeley Co., South Carolina, USA. His 1st spouse has not been identified. They had 5 children:
2. F Anne TRUSLER b. about 1723 d. before 1761 3. F Mary TRUSLER b. 5 Oct 1723 d. Mar 1789 4. F Elizabeth TRUSLER b. about 1725 5. M Edward TRUSLER b. about 1735 d. before 1755 6. M William TRUSLER b. about 1736 d. 15 Jul 1781
It appears there was only one TRUSLER family in Charleston, SC in the early to mid 1700s. In 1758 in Virginia there was a Peter Trusler who served in the Augusta Co., VA Militia. [Trusler/Misc/009] In the 1787 property tax lists for Rockingham Co., VA there were three Truslers, a Henry Trusler with 1 black under 16, 3 horses and 10 cattle; a James Trusleir with 1 horse and 2 cattle; and a John Truslier with 5 cattle. [Trusler/Vital/009, p.179,651] There was another group of five different male Truslers in VA (tax records) in 1810 according to the AIS Census index for 1607-1819. One record for a John Trusler shows he was born in Amhorst Co. (now Nelson Co.) VA in 1758 and died in 1838 in Ohio. [Trusler/Vital/008] In the Abstracts of Rev. War Pension Files are James Trusler b. 7 Nov 1755 in Amherst Co., VA, d. 5 Sep 1844, and John Trusler b. in 1758 in Amherst Co., VA; md. Eliz. Dunning in 1803;d. 16Aug 1838 in Union Co., OH.
In "Early Settlers of Montgomery Co., VA; 1810-1850 Census" [FHL 975.5785 x2d] on p. 99 is a 1830 census record for William Trusler 10000001-121001. No Truslers in 1820 or 1830.
In Botetourt Co. VA Marriages 1770-1853 Vol. 1 [FHL 975.583 v2v] on p. 588 is a Barbary Trustler & Wm. Persinger bond 28 Nov 1815 & md. 30 Nov 1815; bond was given by Coonrod Bronnomer who testified that Barbary was over 21. Minister was Elisha Knox. On p. 297 is John Trusler md. to Mary Fudge 8 Nov 1810; bond Christian Fudge her father.
1670- Charles Town (later Charleston) was founded by an expedition of Englishmen sent out by the Lords Proprietors and Barbadians. In 1670 the first 160 colonists arrived onboard the Carolina and the Port Royal. By 1690 approximately eleven hundred people lived in Charles Town. By 1720 the population reached approximately thirty five hundred.
Few gentlemen came to America -- a gentleman, according to a cynic of the day, are "all those who can live idly, and without manual labor, and will bear up the port, charge and countenance of a gentleman." However, many of their younger sons, deprived of an inheritance by the rules of primogeniture and entail (by which all land went in bulk to the eldest son), uninterested in a career in the army or clergy, or too unlucky to catch a rich girl for a wife, did come, bringing the traditions of the gentry with them. (David Hawke; The Colonial Experience; 1966, p. 58)
1700- Edward Trusler born circa 1700, a calculation based on the fact he had a son not yet 21 and two married daughters in 1755 when he wrote his will.
1710- Two promotional pamphlets were published in London: one in 1710 and the other in 1712 to persuade people to immigrate to South Carolina. The pamphlets suggested with an initial investment of 100 pounds a family could live with comfort and decency. That sum would purchase two hundred acres of land, two black slaves, four cows and calves, plus much more with 10 pounds left for other contingents expenses. For 1000 pounds a family could establish a magnificent estate with 1000 acres of land and a labor force consisting of thirty black slaves, etc. [SC/Misc/010,p.25]
1721- Quarrels between the settlers and the original proprietors of Carolina resulted in the conversion of the grant into two royal provinces, South Carolina in 1721 and North Carolina in 1729.
1723- Anne Trusler married John Menson (Minson, Mienson) in 1743 in St. Philip's Church in Charleston, SC was probably born By 1723. She is called a spinster in the records. "Spinster" is defined in Ancestry's Concise Geneal. Dictionaary as, "Literally a woman who spins; more often, an unmarried woman or a woman who lives alone, such as a widow." Ann is not mentioned in Edward Trusler's will in 1755. [Trusler/Vital/001, p.3149; Lloyd/Vital/023, p.179]
The abstract for the marriage bond reads, "John Minson of Charlestown, carpenter, & Thomas Doughty of the same place Victualer, bond to Gov. Glen dated 10 Mar 1743/4. Lic to Rev. Alexander Garden to marry John Minson and Ann Trusler, spinster. Signed John Mienson (sic) & Thomas Doughty." It is interesting to note that a Thomas Doughty was appointed administrator along with others for the estate of William Trusler in 1781. [Trusler/Vital/013]
1725- Daughter, Mary, was born about 1725 which assumes she was about 20 when she married Thomas Doughty and had her first child in 1745.
1735- Daughter, Elizabeth, was born by 1735. She was married at the time Edward Trusler wrote his will in 1755; the assumption is she was at least 20 years old at the time. Elizabeth was married to John Grisham of Southhampton Hampshire in England.
1735- A profitable business at this time was stock raising, Charlestown affording a good market for all the settlers could carry thither. About this time a group of families from England settled in the area known as Britton's Neck on the PeeDee River about 40 miles above Georgetown. [SC/Misc/008;pp.68-69] [SC/Misc/011;p.135] By 1759, Edward Trusler owned over 2000 acres in the area. [Trusler/Land/002] Was he one of the 1735 settlers?
1740- On 18 Nov 1740, the first of Charleston's great fires burnt half the town. Three hundred houses were destroyed; the loss was estimated at $1,500,000.
1740- 17 Oct; Mr. Edward Trusler, Butcher, supplied beef for the Privateer Schooner, hired by the government. This is the earliest date I have found in records for Edward Trusler in South Carolina. [Trusler/Misc/002, p.471]
1740- Edward Trustler served as "Petit Juror" from St. Philip and/or St. Michael Parish. Also served as a "Special Juror" in 1740. Jurors were named in the parish of their residence. Men paying at least five Pounds tax the previous year were named as Grand Jurors as well as Petit Jurors for their parish or district. Those men paying a lesser tax were named as Petit Jurors only. Some citizens of Charleston were named to serve as Special Jurors. Colonial tax acts placed a low tax rate on land, and high tax rates on personal property, slaves, business merchandise and equipment. Thus a Charleston shopkeeper paid more tax than did a large land owner. The calendar was corrected during this period. Thus lists drawn up in the early spring of 1740/41, by modern calendar arrangement would be called 1741. [Lloyd/Misc/008, p.119]
1734/40- Son, William, born to Edward Trusler. Age calculated from age at the time his father wrote his will; William was not yet 21 years in 1755, but was appointed executor in 1761 which would indicate he was then at least 21. [Trusler/Will/003] served in the Augusta Co., VA Militia. [Trusler/Misc/009]
1741- 26 Jan; An account of Mr. Edward Trusler, butcher, amounting to the sum of L76:6:4, it being for beef supplied by him the 17 day of October, 1740 for the use of the Privateer Schooner, hired by the government. Which account was also read to the House and ordered to be referred to the consideration of the Committee on Petitions and Accounts. [Trusler/Misc/002, p.471]
1741- 19 Feb; An account of Mr. Edward Trusler amounting to the sum of 76:6:4 which being just ought to be allowed. [Trusler/Misc/002, p.491,494,539]
1741- 29 Aug; Edward Trusler, butcher supplied beef to the Commissary General, for the use of the Spanish prisoners. property tax lists for Rockingham Co., VA
1742- Edward Trusler signed a promissary note for 108 pounds. He was called a butcher. [SC Court of Common Pleas Roll JR17, Box 26 B #17A 1743-1744]
1742- 19 Jan; No. 26. An account of Mr. Edward Trusler, butcher, amounting to the sum of L80:3:9 it being for beef sold to the Commissary General, at sundry times from the 29 day of August, 1741 to the 30th day of November following for the use of the Spanish prisoners. Which account having been also read to the House it was ordered that the same be referred to the consideraton of the Committee on Petitions and Accounts. [Trusler/Misc/003, p.316]
1742- 16 Feb; No. 14. An account of Edward Trusler, Butcher, for beef supplied for the use of the Spanish prisoners; amounting to the sum of eight pounds, three shillings and nine pence; ought also to be allowed. [Trusler/Misc/003, p.374,392,439]
1743- 11 Mar: Anne Trusler married John Menson at St. Philips.
1743- 19 Jan; No. 48. A Certificate of Mr. Timothy Brittin in favor of Mr. Edward Trusler amounting to the sum of______ for provisions supplied the Militia in the late Alarm. Which having been also read to the House, it was ordered that the same be referred to the consideration of the Commmittee appointed to settle and adjust the accounts of such persons as have demands on the public for negro hire and provisions supplied the Militia during the late Alarm. (Alarm may refer to a small slave revolt in 1739, Stono revolt, which so alarmed the assembly that it adopted in 1740 a very strict slave code.) [Lloyd/Misc/004, p.168,333]
1743- No. 65. A certificate of Captain Francis Lejau in favor of Edward Trusler amounting to the sum of L 36:5:9 for provisions supplied the Militia in the late Alarm. Which having been also read to the House, it was ordered that the same be referred to the Consideration of the Committee appointed to settle and adjust the accounts of such persons as have demands on the public for negro hire and provisions supplied the Militia during the late Alarm. [Lloyd/Misc/004, p.170,333]
1744- A judgement was sought against Edward Trusler on 15 Aug for 216 pounds.
1746- Daughter, Mary, married Thomas Doughty. [Lloyd/Vital/007, p.188]
1750- Ann Mienson married a John Beekman in St. Philip's on 4 Nov 1750. Is this Ann Trusler, widow of John Menson?
1752- Charleston was hit by the most destructive hurricane and tidal wave ever known on 15 Sep 1752. In two hours, Charleston was reduced to rubble.
1754- 19 Jan; No. 73. An account of Edward Trusler amounting to the Sum of seventeen pounds seven shillings and six pence for the diet of James Eates who came Express to this Government from Virginia. [Trusler/Misc/006, p.323]
1754- 5 Feb; An account of Edward Trusler amounting to the sum of seventeen pounds seventeen shillings and six pence for maintaining an Express, for which we are of opinion that an allowance of twenty shillings per diem is enough which amounts to twelve pounds twelve shillings and six pence. (Later) The eightieth paragraph of the said report on an account of Edward Trusler amounting to the sum of seventeen pounds seventeen shillings and six pence, for which the Committee are of Opinion twelve pounds twelve shillings and six pence is sufficient, being read a second time was agreed to by the House. [Trusler/Misc/006, p.359,367,463]
1754- 27 Apr; To Edward Trusler for entertaining a messenger from Virginia twelve pounds twelve shillings and six pence.
1755- 18 Sep; Edward Trusler wrote his will leaving all his real estate to his son, William. Edward referred to himself as a tavernkeeper. Edward's will indicated he owned real estate at the time of writing his will, although the first record found so far is for a purchase on 5 Nov 1755. At the time he wrote the will, Edward was married to Jane Albert who had a daughter, Ann, who was married to George Darby, a mariner, and living in Poall, County of Dorsetshire in England. [Trusler/Will/003]
1755- Daughter, Mary, widow of Thomas Doughty, married Daniel Cannon. [Lloyd/Vital/007, p. 125]
1755- 5 Nov; 600 acres in Craven county between Great and Little Pedee Rivers, bounding on all sides when run out by vacant land granted 5 Nov 1755 to Edward Trusler at the Quit rent of 3/ Sterling per hundred acres from the date. [Trusler/Land/002, p.6429] 5 cattle. [Trusler/Vital/009, p.179,651]
1756- From the Journal of the Commons House of Assembly for 24 Mar 1756: A general Account of Wm. Pinckney, Esqr., Commissary General, for the provision of the Acadians in Charles Town...Edward Trusler 55:6:9. Then on 2 Jul 1756 Edward Trusler received 55:6:9 to pay the Watch over the Accadians, for three Months, or for so long time as his Excellency shall think fit to continue them.
1757- Edward Trusler was appointed exor. on 16 Mar 1759 for the estate of Richard Henvill who died on 25 June 1757. Richard Henvill, a son, in England also acted as exor. Witnesses were Daniel Cannon, Jacob Wirth and Daniel Dwight. [Lloyd/Will/007, p.254]
1758- 600 acres in Craven County conveyed by Edward Trusler by lease and release bearing date respectively 14 and 15 Dec 1758 to Joseph Greaves, Sr.
1759- 6 Apr; Memorial registered by Edward Trusler for tract of land containing 2000 acres, lying in Queensborough Twp, Craven County (later Marion Co.,) SC on 17 & 18th of February 1759. [Trusler/Land/002, p.6429; Trusler/Land/005, p.195] One of eleven townships laid out in 1730 was Queensborough and covered 20000 acres. The town thus laid out and located on the west side of the Pee Dee River seems never to have been settled as a town. [SC/Misc/004,pp.29- 33]
1760- By 1760 the population of Charleston had reached eight thousand. It was in 1760 that the smallpox, a scourge of the eighteenth century, was carried to Charleston by Cherokee Indians. The plague began on 2 Feb 1760 and continued until July before abating. five different male Truslers in VA (tax records)
1760- 28 May; Memorial for 500 acres on Jeffreys Creek, Craven Co. [Trusler/Land/002, p.6429]
1760- Edward Trusler died between 28 May 1760 when he purchased land in Craven Co. and 12 June 1761 when his will was offered for probate.
1761- 6 Aug; Appraisment of the personal property of Edward Trusler. Total appraised value was L 230.17.00 [Trusler/Will/004, p.47-48]
1761- 18 Dec; Estate of Edward Trusler sold. Son, William Trusler, purchased all but one lot of old "Iron" which was purchased by James Lingard. Sale totaled L 215.13.00. [Trusler/Will/004, pp.47-48] In Edward's Trusler's will, he left his wife, Jane, the use of his "household stuff and furniture" and if she did not survive him or remarried the "stuff" was to be divided among his daughters or their heirs. His son, William, inherited all real estate and slaves. The furnishings were sold and his son, William, purchased all but one item. What happened to the wife and the daughters? When the will was offered for probate in 1761, William was the only exor. 1607-1819.
1765- In the SC Dept. of Archives & History Alphabetical Index of land records, there is a listing for Edward Trusler, Sr. which seems to indicate Edward had a son, Edward, although I have not located any other records for Edward, Jr. [Trusler/Land/002, p.6429] John Trusler
1768- In the book "Citizens and Immigrants- South Carolina, 1768." Edward Trusler's estate is listed as consisting of 1560 acres in Craven County, SC.
Edward married (2) Jane ALBERT after 1740. Jane died before 1761.
No children have yet been identified by second wife.
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