Meaghan Brie-anne's
Pooh Page
Before I was born Mommy decided
my nursery would feature Winnie
the Pooh. Imagine her surprise
when she was told Gramma called
Daddy 'Tigger' when he was just
my size! He bounced around too!

Here I am, just 10 minutes young.

That's my Gramma's hand holding mine.
Hard to believe I was 2 weeks early.
I weighed 9 lbs and was 21.5" long.

My mommy used Pooh as her focal point.
You can just see a little bit of him.
All cleaned up!

Here I am one month later
wearing Grandad's baby dress.

Me (5 months) and GGM Bessie Lee (Mamaw)
at her 91st BD party.

Pretty in Pink!


Soooo tired.

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