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Mammie's Genealogy and Polish Links!

Genealogy and Polish Links on the WWW

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I was born Margaret Stella Jaroncyk in Glen Cove, NY to ANNA HYLINSKI BOROWSKI and THEDORE GEORGE JARONCYK.I have 5 beautiful children and 13 grandchildren. I am reseaching my family roots and Polish heritage. The families I am researching are:

  1. Wojciech [AKA George] Jaroncyk [AKA Jaronczyk] paternal grandfather. DOB 1881 DOD 6-6-1944
  2. Balestavia [AKA Bella] Tomaszewski paternal grandmother. DOB 1887. My paternal great great grandfather name unknown ( beleived to be JOHN JARONCZYK) was a mayor somewhere in Poland.
  3. Josephine (Josepha)Salwinska was Wojceich second wife.They lived in Locust Valley , New York.They were married in ST. HYACINTH RC CHURCH in Glen Head, NY.

    ALL the above are buried in the St. Patrick Cemetery in Old Brookville ,New York.

  4. Stella Amelia Shylinski [AKA Hylinski] maternal grandmother born in Russia, Poland.
  5. Stanley Borophski [AKA Borowski] maternal grandfather born in Russia, Poland. DOD July,1939. Stanley and Stella were married in Bialystok Poland, or spelled Bielostok. Year unknown. Stella and Stanley came to America around 1914 to South Deerfield, MA.
  6. Mary Jurgielwicz (Stanley's 2ndwife) married 1917 DOD April,1939
  7. Frank Borowski -uncle , Southdeerfield, Ma.

    ALL the above are buried in the St. Stanislaus Cemetery in South Deerfield ,MA.

  8. Adam Borowski-uncle, New York City.
  9. John Butkiewicz-stepson of Stanley, Brattleboro VT.
  10. Joseph Hylinski -uncle, Bridgeport, Conn.
  11. Bernard Hylinski - cousin,Florida.
  12. Helen Norko-[Hylinski] cousin, Conn.
  13. Estelle Ritano-[Hylinski] cousin, Conn.
  14. Barbara Mazza-[Hylinski] cousin.
  15. E.Kelly Lutz-[Hylinski] cousin, Stockton,Cal.
  16. Tony Kosark - Owensville, MO.
  17. Agnes (Fisher) Kosark -Owensville, MO.

.My Family Tree Names & Surnames Pages

.My Family Tree GEDCOM File

.Family Tree Maker's Genealogy Site: User Home Pages: The Jaroncyk, Hylinski, Borowski Family Home Page

All of my parents and grandparents are deceased. I do not have much information on any of my relatives and am hoping through this web page to gather more information from others and hints on how I can trace my family. I would like to thank my daughter Carol Southard for helping me with this web page. Because without her help I would be lost. You can visit her at:

Sweetcake's Place! CLICK HERE!


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.Links To All Of My Pages

.My Family Tree Names & Surnames Pages

.My Family Tree GEDCOM File

.Family Tree Maker's Genealogy Site: User Home Pages: The Jaroncyk, Hylinski, Borowski Family Home Page

.My Polish Genealogy Links Page

.My Other Genealogy Links Page

.My Webrings Page

.My Awards Page



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