A GeoCities Featured Page
It would be nice if you would drop me a line to let me know you were here, then I can return the favor!

Welcome to my home within my home! I TRY to update this site on a regular basis...at least once a week. Of course, most of you know how difficult that can be, especially when you work, have a family and a couple attention-seeking cats at your feet! I am always open to suggestions on how to improve my site, so feel free to drop me a line!
WATCH OUT! I'm giving you fair warning! I recently bought a scanner, and you know what that means....PICTURES!!!! Of course, I have to figure out how to use it first! Hope you check back, but don't be frightened by what you see!
Just A Thought
A collection of thoughts, quotes and sayings. Take a peek, you might find one to make you feel better today!
If you would like to know a little bit about me, click here to find out!

What can I say? I am a cat lover. If you want to see why,
this should give you a hint!
For those of you interested, Click Here for a peek at my geneaology page. It is new and doesn't have a lot of information yet, but I'm working on it!
NOVEMBER, 1998November 25 - Justin Petty
Take a peek in the Recipe Cupboard and see if you find anything you like. Feel free to submit any of YOUR recipes for inclusion in the Recipe Cupboard by sending them via e-mail!

I've met some very interesting, very helpful and very wonderful people...too many to list here. Click here to check some of them out!

Please CLICK HERE. YOU can make a difference!
I'm really excited about this! Click here to see my awards.
If you are interested in knowing where I obtained my backgrounds and graphics, check these credits and links out. They're so good, I thought they deserved their own page!
If you're interested in web rings, click here to see the ones I belong to.
At least ONE of my pages was
03 November 1998
My counter exploded and started over again!
You are number
to visit, or accidently find me, since who knows when!
© 1996, 1997, 1998 Kate's Space
Well, now that you've checked me out, let me know what you think!

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Background copyright JPayne 1997