About Me!

Okay, it's like this....everyone tells me, "this is your page, so why aren't there more pictures of you? Why isn't there more about you?" Well, first of all, I had to go to the basement to get pics of me, they were being used to scare off the mice...and second of all, I don't have that much to say about me that you can't figure out from the rest of my page. But here goes...*smile*...brace yourselves!!

I grew up in a very, very small town in east-central Indiana...

went to a high school there where there were about 55 people in my

graduating class. Told you it was small!!

Go Titans!
Here is my senior picture!

Before Marriage!
Here is me between hs and marriage!

After high school, I went to college for awhile but quickly

got burnt out on it, so I just worked various jobs...

until I met my ex-husband and we got married.

While I was married the first time,

I went to nursing school.

While I was married the 2nd time,

I went to the school of hard knocks! LOL

Here is my nursing school picture!

Now I live in Indianapolis with the love of my life...

and our 3 cats...

Party like it's 1999!!
This is a friend and I one New Year's Eve....can you say faded??

Okay, this is me now...don't laugh, I'm 40 something...*smile*

at least I have all my hair and my own teeth...


Okay, that's all ya get!!! I'm a shy person after all...*smile*...

take care and come back and visit...

Send me email, damn it!!!

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