
Who are the Blue Knight's

The Blue Knight's are law enforcement officers from various agencies around the world. The group was started in 1974 in the state of Maine by 7 officers who enjoyed riding motorcycles and having family fun. Today we number about 19,000 and go into about 19 nations. To be a member you must have the powers of arrest, own a motorcycle and enjoy riding and sharing good times with friends.

Who are we

We are Oklahoma II, headquartered in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma with some members from 150 miles away. We have city, county, state officers . There are other chapters, Oklahoma I, which is located in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and Oklahoma III, which is located in Shawnee, Oklahoma, and Oklahoma IV in Duncan, Oklahoma, Oklahoma V, which is located in Pryor,Oklahoma, Oklahoma VIII in Ardmore, Oklahoma, Oklahoma IX, which is located in Enid,Oklahoma.

How to find us

We usually meet on the 15th day of every month at the FOP hall located 1624 South Agnew in Oklahoma City at 7:00 pm. If the 15th is on a Sunday we normally move to the 16th.

Our address for slow mail !!!!

Blue Knight's Law Inforcement Motorcycle Club
Oklahoma II
P. O. Box 890095
Oklahoma City, Ok 73189-0095

"Ride With Pride"

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This site maintained by T. Ashing

Last updated 15 February 2008

Copyright © 2008,
Blue Knights Oklahoma II
P.O. Box 890095
Oklahoma City, Ok 73189-0095

All rights reserved


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