I think that I shall never see,
the finish of a family tree,
as it forever seems to grow
from roots that started long ago.
Way back in ancient history time,
in foreign land and distant clime.
From them grew trunk and branching limbs,
that dated back to time so dim.
One seldom knows exactly when,
the parents met and married then;
Nor when the twigs began to grow,
with odd-named children, row on row.
Though verse like this is made by me,
the end's insight, as you can see.
"Tis not the same with family trees,
that grow and grow through centuries."
author unknown
I stand with the tiger as they make their last stand,
I stand with the tiger against the ravage of man.
I stand with the animals pushed to the
the rhino, the panda, I stand with them all.
I stand with the great
ape. The gorilla's my kin,
and I wouldn't want to live in a world
they're not in.
I stand with the wolf, she wolf and cub
against steel
jawed traps that would leave them a nub.
I stand with the whale, I stand
and I weep
over all of their blood that was shed in the deep.
I stand
with the elephant,so noble and bold,
who are killed for tusks that are
hacked off and sold.
I stand with the animals, I love one and all,
and I
think to myself, surely this is Mans's fall.
We're burning the Garden.
We're cutting her trees.
I stand and I beg, I plead, people STOP, PLEASE!
Yet my heart knows that this won't be enough.
If we stand with the
Tiger, we'll have to get tough.
For this is our last stand. We're all on
the brink.
We have to just stop it, and take time to think.
We must face the truth that we're killing our self,
we must start to value our planet's true wealth.
It's not in the gold that is hid in the soil.
It's not in the steel and it's not in the oil.
It's not in the stuff that these things will build,
for what good is it all after everything's
What joy in a world if we're in it alone.
With her beauty destroyed, and our hearts turned to stone?
Oh, we might still live on, but surely not well,
for we would have turned our fair garden to hell.
Long suffering fan of......
St.Louis Rams
Oakland Raiders
LA Dodgers
LA Lakers

An old Zen saying:
:Infinite gratitude for all things past.
:Infinite respect for all things present.
:Infinite responsibility for all things future.
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Last updated 2 May 1998 at 9:00 am.
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