Member of the Internet Link Exchange Free Home Pages at GeoCities
HimalayanHistory of the himalayan. Frequently asked questions Feline diseaseDiseases that every cat owner should know. NutritionFeeding your feline friend.Commercial dry or wet? GroomingBathing and combing your cat does not need to be a chore. BreedingBreeding your cat,behavior male and female. BirthingAfter breeding your female, what you should do. Birthchart63 day chart ColorsBreed standards along with every coat color possible. BI-COLOR CHARTBi-Color chart for breeding. Solid chartChart for breeding persian solids to solids. Himalayan ChartColor chart for breeding Himalayans. Picture Page Animal Links Show Schedule CFA Show calender for September - November.
Coming soon pictures of the babies.
We are social cats to. We just don't lay around and nap. Or just walk around our owners waiting to get our tummies scratched. Well we do about ninety percent of the time but the other ten percent we socialize with other cats and thier owners.We are members of cat clubs and we have friends on the net. |
PRISSY'S GUESTBOOK, Ok I will let the new cat get some credit. You can write to Seate too. Let us know were you are from. We live in Florida and we are enjoying warm weather. Napping In the sun, Nothing like a hot window to lay in. |
Adding more Info every day.
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