rose rose

Families are Forever!

line of roses

PHEW! Moving in with a large family isn't easy! Boxes are every where, animals are running loose (including the goat)... and I'm not sure where all the kids are! Looks like we have some great neighbors, though! Give us some time to get settled in, and as this page grows I will give you some insight into having a large family! I will also give you great links to some of our interests, which include Chinchillas (as pets!), our Church (we're Mormons!), raising children with Learning Disabilities, (sounds fun, huh???) Trust me, it's insane around here, but we wouldn't have it any other way! Oh! Guess I'll quickly introduce us... I'm Janet,"The Mom", Steve is "The Dad", then the KIDS are Eric, who is 21 JUST RETURNED from serving a 2 year Mission for Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Colorado,(check out his NEW picture!) Lisa is 20, Adam is 18, Scott is 15, Alex is 11, Tricia is 7, and our "bonus" is Bethany, who just turned 2 on November 20, '97! Oh, and we live in beautiful Valley Center, California ! So, I better get back to unpacking! In the meantime, check out the kid's pages.. new pictures all the time! And please remember to sign our GUEST BOOK so we will know you were here!

A Few of our Favorite Links

BALLYou can find some GREAT MOVIES here!
BALLIf you love music, THIS is the place to shop!
BALLLinks to great ways to show Cyber-Friends you care...all free!
BALL ADD and other Learning Disability links
BALL Learn about Fibromyalgia
BALL Check out our new Chinchilla pics!!ball
BALL Poke around the PAGES of our FRIENDS!ball
Valley CenterBALL Visit a fun page about our town!ball

BALLCheck out CDNOW for books, music and videos! GREAT place to shop! BALL

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NOTICE! Our guestbook server melted! ALL entries were lost (sniff!)... please sign again so it doesn't look so lonely in there!


Well, the page keeps on growing! I think there is no end to this! Thank you to all who have dropped by, and especially to those who have taken the time to sign the GUEST BOOK. What fun! I have pictures up of all the kids now, and those will change as I get newer ones. I will also be setting up email accounts for each.. well, not Bethany... she's not addicted to the computer YET (grin). *NEW* - I have now added a page of our chinchilla pictures! There are also new pics of the kids all the time on their pages (click on their names above!) Also I plan on having a separate page just of our favorite links. I couldn't possibly fit them all on here! So check back often. I'm having fun redecorating!!!



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since October 15th,'96!
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